Teaching Resources
There are a number of courses taught using ROS and/or the PR2. Below you'll find some examples that might help you design your own course.
Are you teaching a course (at any level) using ROS or the PR2 that's not listed below? Please add it to the list. If you have advice on setting up labs, course computers, or any other teaching-related topic, post those too. By sharing material, we'll all create effective courses more quickly.
Short Courses
ROS 2 Manipulation Basics, Learn the ROS 2 manipulation essentials. Learn how to use MoveIt in ROS 2 and use perception for grasping. | The Construct (Jan 2022).
ROS2 Basics for Python, Learn the fundamentals of ROS2 to understand and be able to program robots. | The Construct (Jun 2021).
Course on Udemy: Anis Koubaa, "ROS for Beginners III: Web-based Navigation with ROSBridge" (2021)
ROS2 Navigation, Learn to autonomously navigate robots in ROS2 | The Construct (Jan 2021).
FREE Course: C++ for Robotics (ROS), Master the basics of C++ for robot programming | The Construct (Jan 2021).
RobotCraft 2021: 6th Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (Ingeniarius,Ltd & University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Robot Dynamics and Control, Learn to develop dynamic models and intelligent control systems for simple robots. | The Construct.
Kalman filters, Learn how Kalman filters work and how to apply them to mobile robots using ROS. | The Construct.
Basic Arm Kinematics, Learn the basic kinematic concepts of robotic arms | The Construct.
Course on TheConstruct: "Intro to Robot Programming – ROS", the must-have learning path for Robot Operating System (ROS) & Robotics beginners.
Course on TheConstruct: "Robot Navigation (ROS)", make your ROS-based robot navigate autonomously.
ROS Courses Library, The Construct (2020).
ROS Developer Learning Path by Lentin Joseph 2020, (Online Live classes)
ROS2 & ROS-Industrial training: 3-4 days ROSIN Academy at Fraunhofer IPA 2020
Course on Udemy: Anis Koubaa, "ROS for Beginners: Localization, Navigation, and SLAM" (2020)
Course on Udemy: Anis Koubaa, "ROS2 (Foxy) How To: Discover Next Generation ROS", the first online course on ROS2
Course on Udemy: Anis Koubaa, "ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV" (2020)
RobotCraft 2020: 5th Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (Ingeniarius,Ltd & University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Mastering ROS Robot Manipulators| 2020 Spring • Barcelona
Temel ROS Eğitimi (Turkish Language)
ROS - Urdf ve Xacro ile Robot Modelleme (Turkish Language)
Uygulamalar ile ROS Eğitimi (Turkish Language)
ROS Basics Course (C++)(in Japanese/日本語)
ROS Basics Course (Python)(in Japanese/日本語)
ROS2 Basics Course (C++), using ROS2 Crystal
ROS 21 Tutorials by GuYueHome (古月·ROS入门21讲/中文,2019,GuYueHome-古月居)
RobotCraft 2019: 4th Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (Ingeniarius,Ltd & University of Coimbra, Portugal)
ROS-Industrial training: full week ROSIN Academy at Fraunhofer IPA 2019
ROS-Industrial training: full week ROSIN Academy by re.je (UK pubic courses, EU on-site)
ROS-Industrial training: two day ROSIN Academy at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Course on Udemy: "ROS Basics: Program Robots"
RobotCraft 2018: 3rd Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (Ingeniarius,Ltd & University of Coimbra, Portugal)
An exclusive learning platform for Robotics and ROS (Robocademy)
RobotCraft 2017: 2nd Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (Ingeniarius,Ltd & University of Coimbra, Portugal)
RobotCraft 2016: 1st Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (Ingeniarius,Ltd & University of Coimbra, Portugal)
#projectCoSys Workshop on ROS May 2015 (Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Nepal) [Facebook event page
ROS Workshop March 2015 (Mechatronics Department, NUST Pakistan)
Summer course on ROS framework 2013 (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
Website for the "ROS at Every Level" workshop at SIGCSE 2013
Website for the ROS in Education workshop at SIGCSE 2012 Courses/sigcse2012
CoTeSys-ROS Fall School on Cognition-enabled Mobile Manipulation (TU Munich)
PR2 Beta Workshop (Willow Garage)
Social Robotics Consortium of the Capital Region Fall 2010 ROS Workshop
ROS at ISR Coimbra (University of Coimbra)
Introduction to ROS (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
ROS/Turtlebot Tutorial at Australian National University (ANU) ROS Tutorial Videos Demos at ANU
ROS Online Course in Korean (OROCA, Korea)
ROS Basics Seminar by TORK (free, in Japanese/日本語)
ROS Beginner Tutorials Focus on Navigation by 51CTO College (机器人操作系统精品入门教程/中文)
ROS Summer School 2015-2020 in China (free intensive courses/in Chinese/中文)
University (Undergraduate & Graduate) Courses
International ROS Summer School (University of Applied Sciences in Aachen, Germany)
240AR060: Introduction to ROS (ETSEIB-UPC BarcelonaTech) (Online tutorials)
Programming for Robotics – Introduction to ROS (ETH Zurich) (Video lectures)
Gaitech Education Portal, China
Introduction to Robotics (CS460) (Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia)
Introduction to Robotics (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Advanced Robotics (CU Boulder)
Advanced Robotics Systems (KU Leuven)
Autonomous robotics (DEI - Università di Padova)
Autonomous Vehicles - Freshman Research Initiative (University of Texas at Austin)
CSCE 574: Robotics (University of South Carolina)
CSE553: Mobile Robotics (Washington University in St Louis)
CS1480: Building Intelligent Robots (Brown University)
CS225B: Robot Programming Laboratory (Stanford University)
CS324: Perception for Robotics (Stanford University, 2011)
CS324: Perception for Manipulation (Stanford University, 2010)
MEAM620: Robotics (University of Pennsylvania)
CS445/660: Social Robotics Seminar (University at Albany)
RTM-ROS Robotics in Japanese (Tokyo University)
Robot Learning (Cornell University)
Robot Programming (Sapienza University of Rome)
Intelligent Robotics (University of Birmingham)
RobotChallenge (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
CSIS401: Introduction to Robotics (Siena College, Loudonville NY)
ME 495: Embedded Systems in Robotics (Northwestern University, Evanston IL)
Intelligent Robotics (Kyushu University, Japan)
Programming for the Robot Operating System (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
EECS 376/476: Mobile Robotics (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH)
Programming robots with ROS (University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain)
CSE 481C: Robotics Capstone (University of Washington), taught with Fetch robot and ROS Indigo
ECET 499/581: Robot Programming with ROS (Purdue University, West Lafayette IN)
Robotics (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China)
N. Correll, R. Wing, D. Coleman (2012): A One Year Introductory Robotics Curriculum for Computer Science Upperclassmen. In: IEEE Transactions on Education, 2012.