aka snorri, http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/doku and currently working for Yujin Robot.
Unfortunately, working for a company, it's not possible to bring any of the really neat stuff we're working on out of the closet, but we can share the development tools we've helped put together. Since we've had the odd itch to scratch, no doubt others will have similar itches to scratch.
ecl - cross-platform c++ libraries for embedded and robotics.
rocon_msgs - robotics in concert messages.
rocon_multimaster - building blocks for ros multimaster
rocon_app_platform - an application platform for robot apps.
rocon_rqt_plugins - rqt plugins for rocon multimaster.
rocon_concert - a complete centralised multimaster framework.
kobuki_msgs - messages for kobuki.
kobuki - yujin robot's mobile research base.
kobuki_desktop - visualisation tools and simulations for kobuki.
turtlebot - all the turtlebot software.
win_ros - support for building ros with mingw and ms visual studio.
zeroconf_avahi - various implementations for zeroconf on local networks.
zeroconf_android - android specific zeroconf implementation.
qt_ros - tools and utilities for qt-ros development.
Open source projects:
Robotics in Concert - multi-robot-device framework for real world environments.
Somewhat out of date:
eros - bringing ros down....to the embedded level!
Contact points:
Email: <d DOT stonier AT gmail DOT com>