Intermediate Tutorial Topics
- multiple computers with a master (1) -brian
- time synchronization - point to chrony
- private namespaces (2) -brian
- spec?
- best practices
- roslaunching with params
- getting params programmatically
- creating package or stack by hand, link from creating package to more info (?) -Melonee
- adding dependencies
- editing CMakeLists.txt ( take part API docs of rosbuild for tutorial??)
- debugging a ROS node -Ken
- gdb and roslaunch
- roswft
- how to write a ROS test - ken, josh, brian
- python unit test
- gtests
- ros tests
- rosluanching the tests independently
error logging (?) - tim & melonee
- data logging - rosplay, record, bag files -jeremy
- using roslaunch more indepth - ken, eitan, blaise, bhaskara*
- tutorial on
- define to the user what beginner, intermediate, advanced means to the user
move to FAQ
- multiple masters