See also:
The Master API is implemented via XMLRPC, which has good library support in a variety of languages. For example, in Python:
import os import xmlrpclib caller_id = '/script' m = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(os.environ['ROS_MASTER_URI']) code, msg, val = m.getSystemState(caller_id) if code == 1: pubs, subs, srvs = val else: print "call failed", code, msg
API Listing
Language-specific client APIs as well as tools may define convenience methods that make it unnecessary to call these APIs directly.
register/unregister methods
registerService(caller_id, service, service_api, caller_api)
- Register the caller as a provider of the specified service.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
service (str)
- Fully-qualified name of service
service_api (str)
- ROSRPC Service URI
caller_api (str)
- XML-RPC URI of caller node
Returns (int, str, int)
- (code, statusMessage, ignore)
unregisterService(caller_id, service, service_api)
- Unregister the caller as a provider of the specified service.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
service (str)
- Fully-qualified name of service
service_api (str)
- API URI of service to unregister. Unregistration will only occur if current registration matches.
Returns (int, str, int)
- (code, statusMessage, numUnregistered).
Number of unregistrations (either 0 or 1). If this is zero it means that the caller was not registered as a service provider. The call still succeeds as the intended final state is reached.
registerSubscriber(caller_id, topic, topic_type, caller_api)
- Subscribe the caller to the specified topic. In addition to receiving a list of current publishers, the subscriber will also receive notifications of new publishers via the publisherUpdate API.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
topic (str)
- Fully-qualified name of topic.
topic_type (str)
- Datatype for topic. Must be a package-resource name, i.e. the .msg name.
caller_api (str)
- API URI of subscriber to register. Will be used for new publisher notifications.
Returns (int, str, [str])
- (code, statusMessage, publishers)
Publishers is a list of XMLRPC API URIs for nodes currently publishing the specified topic.
unregisterSubscriber(caller_id, topic, caller_api)
- Unregister the caller as a publisher of the topic.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
topic (str)
- Fully-qualified name of topic.
caller_api (str)
- API URI of service to unregister. Unregistration will only occur if current registration matches.
Returns (int, str, int)
- (code, statusMessage, numUnsubscribed)
If numUnsubscribed is zero it means that the caller was not registered as a subscriber. The call still succeeds as the intended final state is reached.
registerPublisher(caller_id, topic, topic_type, caller_api)
- Register the caller as a publisher the topic.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
topic (str)
- Fully-qualified name of topic to register.
topic_type (str)
- Datatype for topic. Must be a package-resource name, i.e. the .msg name.
caller_api (str)
- API URI of publisher to register.
Returns (int, str, [str])
- (code, statusMessage, subscriberApis)
List of current subscribers of topic in the form of XMLRPC URIs.
unregisterPublisher(caller_id, topic, caller_api)
- Unregister the caller as a publisher of the topic.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
topic (str)
- Fully-qualified name of topic to unregister.
caller_api (str)
- API URI of publisher to unregister. Unregistration will only occur if current registration matches.
Returns (int, str, int)
- (code, statusMessage, numUnregistered)
If numUnregistered is zero it means that the caller was not registered as a publisher. The call still succeeds as the intended final state is reached.
Name service and system state
lookupNode(caller_id, node_name)
- Get the XML-RPC URI of the node with the associated name/caller_id. This API is for looking information about publishers and subscribers. Use lookupService instead to lookup ROS-RPC URIs.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
node (str)
- Name of node to lookup
Returns (int, str, str)
- (code, statusMessage, URI)
getPublishedTopics(caller_id, subgraph)
- Get list of topics that can be subscribed to. This does not return topics that have no publishers. See getSystemState() to get more comprehensive list.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
subgraph (str)
- Restrict topic names to match within the specified subgraph. Subgraph namespace is resolved relative to the caller's namespace. Use emptry string to specify all names.
Returns (int, str, [[str, str],])
- (code, statusMessage, [ [topic1, type1]...[topicN, typeN] ])
- Retrieve list topic names and their types.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
Returns (int, str, [ [str,str] ])
- (code, statusMessage, topicTypes)
topicTypes is a list of [topicName, topicType] pairs.
- Retrieve list representation of system state (i.e. publishers, subscribers, and services).
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
Returns (int, str, [ [str,[str] ], [str,[str] ], [str,[str] ] ])
- (code, statusMessage, systemState)
System state is in list representation[publishers, subscribers, services]
publishers is of the form
[ [topic1, [topic1Publisher1...topic1PublisherN]] ... ]
subscribers is of the form
[ [topic1, [topic1Subscriber1...topic1SubscriberN]] ... ]
services is of the form
[ [service1, [service1Provider1...service1ProviderN]] ... ]
- Get the URI of the master.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
Returns (int, str, str)
- (code, statusMessage, masterURI)
lookupService(caller_id, service)
- Lookup all provider of a particular service.
Parameterscaller_id (str)
- ROS caller ID
service (str)
- Fully-qualified name of service
Returns (int, str, str)
- (code, statusMessage, serviceUrl)
service URL is provides address and port of the service. Fails if there is no provider.