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ROS Discourse General: Hardware Acceleration WG, meeting #2

Hello everyone,

Last June we held the first HAWG meeting with about 30 participants across organizations who joined us to learn and share experiences on how to create faster ROS 2 applications (again, note HAWG targets initially real-fast, as opposed to real-time) while powered by FPGAs and GPUs. If you couldn’t make it last time, check the recording and the minutes.

Over the last couple of months, our team at Xilinx has been working hard to deliver on the goals we committed back while creating the WG (link). We’ve made huge progress and after reaching what looks like the last steps of internal legal approvals :sleepy: :tired_face:, over the comming weeks, we will be releasing in the HAWG GitHub organization various ROS 2 packages that provide fulfillment on goals #1 and #2. Moreover, following the requests submitted by some of you, we’ve added a new instant messaging chat in Matrix and backlog management using GitHub Projects that I’ll try keeping up to date. A few handy links for those of you following with the progress and/or willing to interact and contribute:

ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG) resources

To review the progress, provide more demonstrations and push the conversation further, I’m happy to call with enough time in advance for the second HAWG meeting. This second meeting will be held the 29th of September where we will review the open architecture for hardware acceleration that Xilinx contributed. Particularly, we will do so by studying step-by-step a simple use case wherein a robotics architect is trying to optimize the computation being performed in a ROS 2 node to publish the result of such computation at 10 Hz. Building upon the examples of the first meeting, we will demonstrate how hardware acceleration in FPGAs allows everyone in this community to build specialized robotic circuitry to empower faster ROS 2 Nodes. In particular, we’ll show step by step how to optimize the computations and create a pipelined dataflow using ament_acceleration and colcon_acceleration ROS 2 packages, with only minor changes in the C++ source code and a new entry in the CMakeLists.txt file to define the new acceleration kernel.

In addition, in this second meeting we will have an extra 30 minute discussion with two special guests: Christian Lienen and Marco Platzner from Paderborn University researching on reconfigurable computing and parallel architectures. They will tell us about their work around ReconROS (latest pre-print article here) which allows to build hardware ROS 2 nodes and integrate hardware acceleration in a variety of different schemes using FPGAs.

The second meeting is thereby scheduled to be 60 minutes at a friendly time in America, late afternoon in Europe and horribly bad time in Asia .We’ll be rotating friendly-hours between America and Asia if anyone requests us to do so (nobody did so far, but I’m paying attention). Coordinates for the meeting:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/hardware-acceleration-wg-meeting-2/21789

ROS Discourse General: Compiling Noetic for Debian Bullseye pre-release

Bullseye is officially out on the 14th, but I thought I’d try a source compile ahead of time and see how it went.

Following the instructions from the wiki, everything went pretty cleanly! My only slight hiccup was installing OGRE 1.12 instead of 1.9 initially by mistake.

I used these bullseye packages for dependencies in case anyone else would like to give it a go:

python3-vcstools python3-nose libboost1.74-all-dev libtinyxml2-dev libtinyxml-dev libqt5widgets5 libqt5x11extras5-dev libqt5core5a libqt5sensors5-dev libqt5websockets5-dev libcurlpp-dev libroslz4-dev librosbag-dev librosbag-storage-dev librosconsole-bridge-dev libroslib-dev librospack-dev librostest-dev librostlab-blast0-dev librostlab3-dev libzerg0-dev liburdf-dev liburdfdom-headers-dev liburdfdom-dev liburdfdom-tools libcollada-parser-dev liburdfdom-model-state libkdl-parser-dev libcollada-urdf-dev ogre-1.9-tools libogre-1.9-dev libyaml-cpp-dev

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/compiling-noetic-for-debian-bullseye-pre-release/21785

ROS Discourse General: 🔥 Ignition Gazebo + ROS 2 (August community meeting - cross-post)

Original post here.

The simulation team at Open Robotics holds monthly virtual meetings open to the community. This month, we’ll have a couple of presentations using ROS 2 with Igntiion Gazebo, so we’re cross-posting it here in case the wider ROS 2 community is interested.

Hi, community! :fire:

Our next community meeting is coming up in the last Wednesday of August!

This month we’ll receive two guests presenting about projects that use Ignition Gazebo with ROS 2! :fire: :ros: Both projects are using ROS 2 Foxy with Ignition Edifice.

Mobile manipulators with MoveIt 2

Vatan Aksoy Tezer (@vatanaksoytezer) will present the work that PickNik Robotics is doing in collaboration with Hello Robot to simulate mobile manipulators in Ignition Gazebo using MoveIt 2. The work is currently on PickNik’s fork and will soon be upstreamed to Hello Robot’s repository.

Differential drive navigation with Nav 2

Jasmeet Singh (@jasmeet0915) will present the work that TechnoYantra has been doing to simulate differential drive robots in Ignition Gazebo using the Navigation 2 stack. You can find their work at ros2-igt.


Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2021-08-25T17:00:00Z

:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet

:calendar: Event: Ignition community calendar

:mag_right: Topic: ROS 2 + Ignition Gazebo

:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Everyone is welcome to add items to the agenda.

As always, the meeting will be recorded and posted to the community meetings playlist on the GazeboSim YouTube channel. Check out the playlist for past meetings!

Are you doing anything interesting with Gazebo? Show it off to the community! Send me a private message so we can figure out the best date.

Do you want to see some specific topic covered? Please comment below!

See you on August 25th!

:fire: The Ignition Dev Team :fire:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ignition-gazebo-ros-2-august-community-meeting-cross-post/21777

ROS Discourse General: Godot + ROS2: a Godot Module for ROS2

It’s been a dream of mine for awhile to connect the worlds of the Godot Game Engine and ROS.

This weekend I finally found some time to look into it and got something “sort of” working where you can start a node from GDScipt…just need to make it multithreaded now since spinning freezes godot :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Use cases of combining Godot and ROS are enormous:

and the list goes on…

Posting here for anyone who also is interested, might want to help out or might find this a good “head start” for something else you’d want to make!

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/godot-ros2-a-godot-module-for-ros2/21760

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Foxy Fitzroy 2021-08-04

We’re happy to announce new packages for Foxy Fitzroy!

Package Updates for foxy

Added Packages [37]:

Updated Packages [96]:

Removed Packages [1]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

:foxy: :turtle:

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-foxy-fitzroy-2021-08-04/21703

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Melodic 2021-08-04

We’re happy to announce the next update of ROS Melodic. There are 45 new packages as well as 211 updated packages. Full details are below.

Package Updates for melodic

Added Packages [45]:

Updated Packages [211]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-melodic-2021-08-04/21698

ROS Discourse General: HAROS v4 and IROS 2021 Tutorial

Hello, everyone!

HAROS is a set of tools for quality assurance of ROS systems. It reads your ROS source code and detects a number of issues. It is also capable of automatically extracting the Computation Graph from the source code (with some limitations), and verify properties (with some limitations) by generating runtime monitors or tests, for instance.

HAROS currently sits at version 3.10.3, which is likely one of the last versions supporting only ROS1. We are organizing a tutorial at IROS 2021, in late september, targeting this version.
Details on this tutorial can be found on this page.

On another note, I am starting the design and development of the next major version, v4, which, among other things, aims at:

Since this is a free and open source tool, I have no clue who its users are and how to reach them effectively. So, I take this opportunity to share a small survey on Google Forms, aiming to collect user feedback and help me decide on how to better invest my time, in ways that are actually useful for the ROS community.

I know people generally do not like surveys, but, in my defense, there’s only a handful of required questions, so it can be done in about two minutes of your time. It is also anonymous, I am not requiring emails or sign-ins of any kind.

Let me know if you are interested in any of these topics!

7 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/haros-v4-and-iros-2021-tutorial/21693

ROS Industrial: ROS2-Industrial training material has been open-sourced

ROS-Industrial recently open-sourced its ROS2 training material, created with ROSIN (https://www.rosin-project.eu/) funding. Here is the link for the repository: https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros2_i_training. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 11 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode).

The contents include slides and workshops for the following topics:

More information about this update can be found on ROS Discourse post: https://discourse.ros.org/t/open-sourcing-our-ros2-industrial-training-material/21179

Get in touch with us if you would like to improve the existing content or would like to contribute new contents.

Thanks to ROSIN to make this happen!

[WWW] https://rosindustrial.org/news/2021/8/3/ros2-industrial-training-material-has-been-open-sourced

ROS Discourse General: Interview with Steve Crowe of The Robot Report

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Steve Crowe, editorial director of The Robot Report, to talk about industry trends and his favorite robotics projects out in the wild.

It was particularly awesome that he shouted out Open Robotics’ development of a fleet management system in partnership with Singapore’s Centre for Healthcare Assistive and Robotics Technology. He sees the industry’s efforts to set standardized communication protocols for heterogeneous robotic fleets as a vital phase of the industry’s maturation.

Check out the full interview here: Spotlight: Steve Crowe, Editorial Director of The Robot Report - Foxglove Studio

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/interview-with-steve-crowe-of-the-robot-report/21671

ROS Discourse General: Announcing ODrive driver for ros2_control

we have implemented ODrive hardware interface for ros2_control.
ODrive is a high performance open source FOC driver for BLDC, which supports position, velocity and torque control. Now all these interfaces are exported to ros2_control :wink:

5 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/announcing-odrive-driver-for-ros2-control/21644

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of 7/26/2021

ROS News for the Week of July 26th, 2021.

Meet Pupper, the absolutely adorable miniature, legged, ROS robotSource Code

The Indy Autonomous Challenge vehicle completed its first autonomous driving lap.





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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-7-26-2021/21618

ROS Discourse General: Webots R2021b released!

We are happy to announce this new release of our open-source robot simulator with many improvements including new models, better support of AI/ML applications, and a new Web Rendering Engine. See the full list of new features at:

ROS 1: This release brings a ros_control integration (please use the tarball package) and a Tiago simulation example (demonstrates ros_control, gmapping, and MoveIt integration).

ROS 2: We also released a new version of the webots_ros2 package (v1.1.0, waiting for the Foxy sync) which brings a few new packages:

Web: The new Web Rendering Engine is ported from C++ to WebAssembly to ensure the same rendering as in the Webots desktop application. We also wrote an article in which we shared more technical details, some tips and results:

Get the new release from:

4 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/webots-r2021b-released/21599

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Noetic 2021-07-26

We’re happy to announce 52 and 44 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2021-07-26.

Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!

Package Updates for ROS Noetic

Added Packages [52]:

Updated Packages [44]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-noetic-2021-07-26/21557

ROS Discourse General: Independent (Swerve) steering controller for ros_control

Hello everyone,

This topic is a question about a contribution to ros_control.

I was working on a reconfigurable mobile robot project before and needed to have an N-wheel steering controller. Four_wheel_steering controller wasn’t very useful in this case. So, I made a package that can take any number of wheels with different configurations (position relative to the robot base frame, steering angle limitation, wheel radius) and calculate the required steering angle and angular velocity for this wheel. It takes into consideration the steering limitation and the closest path to the target (whether to get to the target angle or to its supplementary and negate wheel velocity). The configuration can be set through a YAML file and/or from the tf tree (for the wheels’ position).

I have also worked on an odometry node. It still has some singularity issues and still need some work. I came across some papers (like Instantaneous centre of rotation estimation of an omnidirectional mobile robot) and would like to see how they can help.

There is a YouTube video showing a demo:

The question is: Would this work, after all needed preparations, modifications, and tests, add a value to ros_control as a contribution?

I hope one of the ros_control contributors/maintainers family can answer. And Thank you for your time.

22 posts - 8 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/independent-swerve-steering-controller-for-ros-control/21534

ROS Discourse General: Robot cybersecurity, a review


For those of you caring about security in ROS and in robotics in general, the following article might be of interest: robot cybersecurity, a review.

Shortly, the article attempts to answer two questions: what’s the status of cybersecurity in robotics? and, how can we best improve cyber-resillience in robotics? For that, the status of the robot cybersecurity field is reviewed considering three sources of data: 1) recent literature, 2) questionnaires performed in top robotics forums (this includes data collected in the community through past events and surveys) and 3) recent research results in offensive robot cybersecurity.

The article makes a number of observations based on the data available (thanks to all of those who participated in the data collection :slight_smile: ). Here’re are some of the ROS-related ones:

There’s a gap between the expectations and the actual investment, which suggests that cybersecurity actions in robotics will grow in the future for the ROS community.

The lack of robot-specific security measures (36%) and offensive assessments (26%) can be interpreted as an indicator of the maturity level of the technology when compared to other sectors (e.g. IT or OT) where these practices are common and specialized.

For both ROS and ROS-I groups, (security) mitigations concentrate mostly on the perimeter.

For more, check out other robot cybersecurity research results.

The version shared is a postprint-produced PDF of an article submitted to the International Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations (CFATI). Some rights reserved. The definitive publisher-authenticated version will be available online from Concept Tech Publishing Int Journals

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/robot-cybersecurity-a-review/21531

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of 7/19/2021

ROS News for the Week of July 19th, 2021.

AWESOME Corvus One Drone Demo – it uses ROS

Must Read Paper: A Comparison of SLAM Techniques


Hello Robot Simulation for Noetic / Melodic

Your ROS Weekly update turned 1 today!





2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-7-19-2021/21525

ROS Discourse General: Open source libraries for robotics development


In the course of building Foxglove Studio, we’ve published several open source npm packages to facilitate common ROS development tasks – like serializing and deserializing data, parsing message definitions, and exposing helper methods for data manipulation.

Full details here: Open source software - Docs - Foxglove Studio

While we originally developed these for Studio, they can be included in any TypeScript or JavaScript project.

Feel free to reach out to us on GitHub or Slack if you have any questions!

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/open-source-libraries-for-robotics-development/21523

ROS Discourse General: VRX Simulation Platform 1.4 and the VRX Competition 2022

VRX Simulation Platform Release 1.4 and VRX Competition 2022

We recently announced the release of version 1.4 of the VRX simulation platform in the Maritime Robotics section. We’d like to highlight a few notes that may be of interest to the general community:

For further details, please see the full post under Maritime Robotics.


The VRX Technical Team: Brian, Carlos, Carson and Michael

3 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/vrx-simulation-platform-1-4-and-the-vrx-competition-2022/21475

ROS Discourse General: ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes: 2021-07-15

ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2021-07-15

ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report - 2021-07-15.pdf (168.4 KB)

3 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-2-tsc-meeting-minutes-2021-07-15/21453

ROS Discourse General: [Nav2] A Comparison of Modern General-Purpose Visual SLAM Approaches

Hi all,

Its your friendly neighborhood navigator here. I wanted to tell you about some work spearheaded by my colleague @amerzlyakov in doing comparisons of modern VSLAM techniques for the purposes of service robotics. This paper was accepted to IROS 2021, but you can find our pre-print version on Arxiv.

If you’re doing VSLAM work, or interested in it, please take a look and always happy if you cite it if you find this analysis useful :wink: . We conclude that of all the modern and openly available VSLAM techniques available, OpenVSLAM is the overall best option based on general service robot requirements. If you have hard time synchronized IMUs, ORB-SLAM3 is worth also evaluating, but even in that situation, OpenVSLAM had additional robustness in edge cases that you’d more commonly find in an industrial setting.

VSLAM still has some ways to go. Few studies have really gone into long-term deployment to analyze their stability with changes over weeks, months, or years. That would be the best major hurtle to removing LIDARs from our robots – or reducing them into safety sensors with significantly reduced range and cost. OpenVSLAM may be able to handle such situations, but that is left to future work.

There are on-going efforts in the Nav2 working group to develop a functional VSLAM technique for mobile robot navigation and tight integration with the ROS Nav2 stack. This would not replace support for 2D SLAM in Nav2, but it would be offered in addition to, with equal support and reliability. If this interests you, please reach out. We are working on this as a cross-collaboration between Samsung Research and LP-Research. We could always use another set of hands or some smart minds interested in making this technology “really work” today.

Happy SLAMing,


10 posts - 6 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/nav2-a-comparison-of-modern-general-purpose-visual-slam-approaches/21451

ROS Discourse General: Talk:Usingzero-copy data transfer in ROS 2

We at Apex.AI recently integrated Eclipse iceoryx in ROS 2 Galactic. This allows application developers to use zero- copy memory transfer (under certain conditions). This is of particular interest if large data such has point clouds has to be transmitted.

This talk Using zero-copy data transfer in ROS 2 - Virtual Eclipse Community Meetup - Crowdcast will show how to use shared memory in ROS 2 by enabling iceoryx in CycloneDDS.

Everyone is welcome to join or contact me for additional questions.

Date: 20 July 2021, 17:00 CEST (tomorrow)

21 posts - 9 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/talk-usingzero-copy-data-transfer-in-ros-2/21448

ROS Discourse General: Some questions about Installation ROS on macOS

Good morning,

I am relatively new here at ROS and have a few general questions about installing ROS on macOS, for example.

I was able to read the following in the documentation today:

————————————————————————————————————— snip —

brew install python@3.8
brew unlink python
brew link --force python@3.8
brew install asio tinyxml2
brew install tinyxml eigen pcre poco
brew install opencv
brew install openssl
echo “export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl)” >> ~/.bashrc
brew install qt freetype assimp
brew install console_bridge
brew install log4cxx spdlog
brew install cunit

————————————————————————————————————— snip —

For example, I already have Python 3.9 and 3.10 installed, as well as OpenSSL → which release versions are supported / required by ROS? How do I get the latest version of ROS 2 or the “rollout”?

With best regards from Berlin

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/some-questions-about-installation-ros-on-macos/21444

ROS Industrial: ROS2 Easy-to-Adopt Perception and Manipulation Modules Open Sourced

ROS-Industrial has developed the easy_perception_deployment (EPD) & easy_manipulation_deployment (EPD) ROS2 packages to accelerate the industries' effort in training and deployment of custom CV models and also provide a modular and configurable manipulation pipeline for pick and place tasks respectively. The overall EPD-EMD pipeline is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Overall EPD-EMD Pipeline

Figure 1. Overall EPD-EMD Pipeline

The EPD ROS2 package helps accelerate the training and deployment of Computer Vision (CV) models for industrial use. The package provides a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) as shown in Figure 2 to reduce the time and knowledge barrier so even end-users with no prior experience in programming would be able to use the package too. It relies on open-standard ONNX AI models, hence eliminating the overreliance on any given ML library such as Tensorflow, PyTorch, or MXNet.

Figure 2. Startup GUI of EPD

Figure 2. Startup GUI of EPD

EPD itself runs on a deep-learning model as a ROS2 interface engine and outputs object information such as the object name and location in a custom ROS2 message. This can be used for use cases such as object classification, localization, and tracking. To train a model for custom object detection, all a user needs to prepare are the following:

The expected output will be:

Figure 3. EPD Training to Deployment Input & Output

Figure 3. EPD Training to Deployment Input & Output

To cater to the different use cases for different end-user’s requirements, the package also allows for customizability in 3 different profiles.

• Profile 1 (P1) – fastest, but least accurate

• Profile 2 (P2) – mid-tier

• Profile 3 (P3) – slower, but most precise output

EPD caters to 5 common industrial tasks achievable via Computer Vision.

  1. Classification (P1, P2, P3)
  2. Counting (P2, P3)
  3. Color-Matching (P2, P3)
  4. Localization/Measurement (P3)
  5. Localization/Measurement/Tracking (P3)
Figure 4. An output of EPD at Profile 3, with OIbject Localization and operating at 2 FPS

Figure 4. An output of EPD at Profile 3, with OIbject Localization and operating at 2 FPS

The EMD ROS2 Package is a modular and easy to deploy ROS2 manipulation pipeline that integrates perception elements to establish an end-to-end industrial pick and place task. Overall, the pipeline comprises 3 main components in which are:

  1. Workcell Builder

The Workcell builder as shown in Figure 5 essentially provides a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to allow users to create a representation of their robot task space to provide a simulation of the same robot environment as well as the initial state for trajectory planning using motion planning frameworks like MoveIt2.

Figure 5. Workcell Builder from EMD

Figure 5. Workcell Builder from EMD

2. Grasp Planner

The Grasp Planner subscribes to a topic published by a given perception source and outputs a specific grasp pose for the end-effector using a novel, algorithmic depth-based method. The generated pose is then published as a ROS2 topic. As shown in Figure 7, The grasp planner currently supports and provides a 4 degree-of-freedom (DOF) pose for both multi-finger and suction array end effectors, apart from the traditional two-finger and single suction cup grippers.



Figure 6. Grasp Planner

Figure 6. Grasp Planner

It aims to eliminate the pain points that users face when deploying machine learning-based grasp planners such as:

• Time Taken for Training & Tedious Dataset Acquisition and Labelling

Current datasets available such as the Cornell Grasping Dataset and Jacquard Grasping Dataset generally account for two-finger grippers and training on generic objects. For customized use cases, datasets need to be generated and labeled manually which requires a lot of time. Semantic description of multi-finger grippers and suction arrays may be hard to determine as well.

• Lack of On-The-Fly End Effector Switching

In a high mix, low volume pick-and-place task, different end effectors are required to be switched around to cater for the grasping of different types of objects. The changing of end efforts would translate for users to re-collect a new dataset, re-label and re-train the dataset and models before deploying them.

3. Grasp Execution

The Grasp Execution was developed to allow for a robust path planning process in navigating the robot to the target location for the grasping action. It serves as a simulator that uses path planners from the motion framework MoveIt2, as well as the output generated by the Grasp Planner. Figure 7 demonstrates that various items are picked successfully.

Figure 7. Grasp Execution on different objects using different end-effectors

Figure 7. Grasp Execution on different objects using different end-effectors

Overall, it benefits users by providing seamless integration with the grasp planner, as the grasp execution package communicates with the grasp planner through subscribing to a single ROS2 topic with the GraspTask.msg type. Apart from this, the grasp execution package also takes into account dynamic safety, which is important as collaborative robots often operate closely in a dynamic environment with human operators and other obstacles as well.

FIGURE 8. Improved grasp execution - dynamic safety architecture

FIGURE 8. Improved grasp execution - dynamic safety architecture

FIGURE 9.  dynamic safety zones

FIGURE 9. dynamic safety zones

There is a need for the robot to be equipped with such capabilities to address safety concerns and detect possible collisions in its trajectory execution to avoid any obstacles. Users are provided with a vision based dynamic collision avoidance capability through the use of Octomaps, whereby when a collision has been deemed to occur within the trajectory of the robot, the dynamic safety module will be triggered to either stop the robot or account for a dynamic replanning of its trajectory given the new obstacles within the environment.

Both of these packages have been formally released and open sourced on the ROS-Industrial github repository, and the team would also like to acknowledge the Singapore Government for their vision and support in funding this R&D project “Accelerating Open Source Technologies for Cross Domain Adoption through Robot Operating System (ROS), supported by the National Robotics Programme (NRP).

[WWW] https://rosindustrial.org/news/2021/7/18/ros2-easy-to-adopt-perception-and-manipulation-modules-open-sourced

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Galactic Geochelone 2021-07-16

This sync brings 158 new packages to Galactic and updates 71 others. Thanks very much to the many developers that were a part of this effort, including the 56 maintainers listed below.

ros/rosdistro tag: galactic/2021-07-16
ros2/ros2 tag: release-galactic-20210716

Added Packages [158]:

Updated Packages [71]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-galactic-geochelone-2021-07-16/21418

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of 7/12/2021

ROS News for the Week of 7/12/2021

Introducing ROSboard: Web-based visualizations for ROS1 and ROS2

Robotics Science and Systems Conference was held this week. I saw a ton of great talks and papers and I only scratched the surface for this weeks update. If you saw some interesting work please post it in the comments.



ROS Related


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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-7-12-2021/21416

2022-05-28 12:23