Adriano Henrique Rossette Leite
Email: <adrianohrl AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
He is a Masters student of Electrical Engineering at the Institute of Systems Engineering and Technology Information in Federal University of Itajuba - Brasil. He was born in Jacutinga-MG, Brazil, in 1992, and received the B.S degree in Control and Automation Engineering in 2015 from the Federal University of Itajuba. During his undergraduation program, he also studied at Tennessee Technology University - United States of America, for an interchange program. His earlier research interests include image processing, Markov decision processes, and fuzzy systems. Nowadays, he has developed research on robotics, autonomous systems, and architectures for solving task allocation problems in multi-robot system. B.S. Leite is an IEEE member associated to RAS. Google Scholar: 1 citation and H-index=1.