1.2.5 (2010-12-14)
Changes to rosbuild caused rostest_selftest to no longer be built, which was causing camera_drivers regression tests to fail. A flag was added to cause rostest_selftest to always be built. Fixes <<Ticket(ros 3178)>>.
Same flag as above added to the analyzer_loader tester, <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4935)>>.
1.2.4 (2010-11-05)
Fixed formatting for output display. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4523)>>
1.2.3 (2010-10-26)
Added rx dependency.
1.2.2 (2010-10-14)
Updated to rosbag API. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4163)>>
Adding dependency on std_msgs. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4491)>>
1.2.1 (2010-10-07)
- Added test for whether ROS is shutting down during a self_test to allow the node to exit faster upon CTRL+C during a test.
- Now prints a warning as soon as a test fails rather than waiting until all tests have been run.
- Undeprecated run_selftest, and fixed compile-time warnings.
Changed warn to error for bad regex. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4416)>>
robot_monitor / runtime_monitor
Now work as rxbag plugins. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4672)>>
1.2 (2010-07-07)
- Add regression testing.
Added shutdown method to MonitorPanel to allow safe unregistering. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4151)>>
Analyzer plugins now load by package/Class syntax for pluginlib 1.1+
Changes since 1.0 release:
diagnostic_updater and self_test
- Added a removeByName method to allow task removal.
New DiscardAnalyzer and IgnoreAnalyzer allow non-standard robot configurations to be easily set up. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3733)>>
robot_monitor and runtime_monitor
Both are now rxbag plugins. This feature is experimental.