Version Policy
This stack follows the same versioning policy as the core ros stacks, that is X.Y.Z represents:
- X: major
- Y: minor
- Z: patch
Development Model
For every new version of the core ros stack, eros will attempt to stabilise quickly around the new release (it will need to rapidly synchronise patches and tools etc). Then it will be tagged and experimental development will continue in the trunk.
Future Goals
Leading up to release 1.0:
- 0.1 : tools and utilities for a cross-compile environment.
- 0.2 : build recipes for a toolchain bridge.
- 0.3 : tested with important fixes applied.
- 0.4 : feedback and modifications incorporated.
- 1.0 : build environment and toolchain bridge stabilised.
Pose release 1.0:
2.0 : connect with an underlying system build tool (e.g. T2 or OpenEmbedded).