This section covers software installation of the freetail demo system.
- The freetail program must downloaded from source:
svn checkout swri-ros-pkg
- The libraries required for freetail can be downloaded using the rosinstall tool:
rosinstall -n . swri-ros-pkg/freetail/freetail.rosinstall
NOTE: The rosinstall tool sometimes reports a failure due to a missing ROS package (THIS IS OK).
The sections below outline special steps that must be taken for specific stacks.
Freetail IO
- From the soem directory apply the patch found in freetail_io
roscd soem git apply ~/ros/fuerte/swri-ros-pkg/freetail/freetail_io/soem_patch
- Make the freetail_io package
roscd freetail_io rosmake
- Give permission for ocl binary access ethernet port
roscd ocl sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep bin/deployer-gnulinux