Only released in EOL distros:
vrep_ros_bridge: camera_handler | contact_handler | force_sensor_handler | imu_handler | manipulator_handler | quadrotor_handler | rigid_body_handler | vrep_ros_plugin
Package Summary
The imu_handler package
- Maintainer: Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
- Author: Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
IMU Handler
In the folder imu_handler/modelVREP you will find the file IMU.ttt. It is a model of the IMU sensor that you can attach to any object in the scene.
When the plugin find an IMU sensor it publishes a message sensor_msgs/Imu: orientation, angular velocity and specific acceleration.