The keyboard_smooth_safe packages provides a keyboard teleop for the waiterbot which uses a modified joint driver to cause smoother movements and the proximity sensor to avoid collisions with the environment.
Get Started
To start the keyboard_smooth_safe teleop you first have to bring up the skin using
roslaunch skin_common bringup_skin.launch
Then you might want to make sure you have the right amount of patches set
rosrun skin_config skin_config
After these steps you are ready to run the teleop
roslaunch keyboard_smooth_safe keyboard_smooth_safe.launch
Use the arrow keys to move the robot aroun.
The keyboard_smooth_safe node takes 3 parameters:
- scale_angular: The speed of turning the robot
- scale_linear: The speed of linear movement
- dbl_max_x_orientation: The maximum x orientation a patch is allowed to have before it is considered to be in the front (if the patch's x orientation is positive) or in the back (if the patch's orientation is negative). Patches in the "front" or in the "back" that are activated stop linear movements in this direction.