ROS Platform Group Meeting 2013-03-20
We should use moinmoin wiki format?
Last Meeting:
Relevant Milestones
Hydro Alpha
Hydro Beta
Hydro Release
In Attendance:
- Tully
- Dirk
- William
- Paul
- Isaac
- Austin
Outstanding from last week
- REP 133
- Folow up with @tkruse about circulation Close to done @tfoote
- REP 134
- Circulated, no comments. We can make it active @tfoote
- REP 132 Changelog
- No more feedback
- Update with latest comments and prepare to release @dirk-thomas
- create catkinization backporting guidelines @tfoote
- re: xacro
- (TK, in absence): OSRF "Organisation" at, Tully to write request?
- Possibly a good idea, not sure what amount of time it will take to maintain. @tfoote investigate
- It's still in beta and I estimate the amount of time will be more than the benefit still.
Rosdistro Update (REP 137)
- Merged all changes into ros-infrastructure repo from pull request
- added release tags
implementation up to date:
- Paul can test on his arm debbuild tools @po1
- dependency walking need to be ported from existing library @dirk-thomas
Raring Builds update
- Transparent proxying turned on again on the build farm
- aptproxy removed from the system (now
- debootstrap seems to be failing. We probably need to backport a newer version. Or update. Update is preferable due to sourcedebs status not working on precise. @tfoote
- Document process of setting up new Precise machines @tfoote
- Blocking prerelease and devel jobs for python3 testing
Hydro Updates:
- Need to get prereleases working Open ticket on prerelease_website @tfoote
- Document how a prerelease can be run locally @tfoote
- Logo and swag @tfoote
- Consider kickstarter with unique swag?
- Worried about effort, if we can get someone to do our logistics that would be optimal
Status of repos for sync:
- Fuerte
- roslisp is missing a symlink -- Lorenz won't have time to look at it until the weekend.
- Plan to wait until Monday for Lorenz
- Groovy
- moveit and rviz had a critical patch. (Moveit 0.3.25 Rviz patch coming today)
- knowrob is broken due to a rosjava_jni issue (Following up with maintainers in Munich)
- released camera calibration crashes for some cameras. (Needs another release today) @austin
- Need sync soon to be able to release the new core packages (catkin, ros, ros_comm, genmsg)
- check with knowrob maintiners @tfoote
- Goal rebuild tonight, sync tomorrow
- Hydro
- A bunch of new packages
- Need to release roslib with hydro code name @dirk-thomas
- Sync when above is rebuilt @tfoote
Proposal of BiWeekly Patch Cycle
- In trying to stabilize and coordinate releases from rosdistro and avoid the issues with xacro being released as soon as the build farm cleared. I was going to propose a bi-weekly patch release cycle where:
- Week 1 is a merge window
- Week 2 is soak time, all merges except regression fixes are held until the next week.
- Thoughts?
- Need a merge status page
- Add a requirement for people who release to sign off that they've tested their code in shadow-fixed
- It may not need to be a fixed timeline.
- May want to have a formal soak time after the last sign off.
Send draft of that process and propose on the mailing list @tfoote @dirk-thomas Ticketed in rosdistro
Consider Discussion of TImeline of upcoming releases. (Before Hydro is out) @all
- (IS) ROS survey) Restart?
- Email Leila about whether she's done any compilation @tfoote
- close REP 127 @tfoote? Pending metapackage change.
ABI ticket discussion
- Full fix we don't have time for in the Hydro cycle
- ABI Policy needs to be updated to reflect reality, we don't enforce it and using the version number heuristic
- Push Full ABI versioning back to Indigo and announce that decision @tfoote
- Propose simple_abi version @dirk-thomas