Future Work
- Release Plugs 0.1 Stack
- regression tests
- put ALL packages in released stack
- Plug-In Demo on Any Calibrated Robot
- determine plug position on base
- run on different robots
- auto-calibration for offsets
- web interface to plug-in
- 24-7 Operation On One Robot
- fix the wiggle
- should always be able to push all the way in
- cord that we can actually plug-in with
- approach part of milestone
- detection
- movement
- precise positioning
- topological map
- robust recovery behavior (BIG)
- fix the wiggle
Nice-To-Have Improvements
- smooth movement trajctories
- work in confined spaces
- try using the arm planner
- median filters for plug detector
Long Term Goals
- release DEMO app
- run 24/7
- full executive
- charging logic
- different outlets
- different orientation outlets
- differet arm
- automatic exploration to find outlets
- plug-in OTHER robot
Concerns / issues