API review
Proposer: Rob Wheeler
Present at review:
- List reviewers
Question / concerns / comments
- realtime publisher/srv
- make methods that are not part of the public api (such as "publishingLoop" etc) private.
- document public api
- the publishing/call loop should only lock the buffer when there is new data available. Periodically locking it causes many trylock's to fail.
- realtime infuser
- document public api
There's a great need of doxygen.
I believe that this is the only user of BufferedData* messages I would propose to pull them into this package. They are used for debugging, and as far as I can see noone is using them in code. They will be most useful for rostopic which can handle finding them.
- The APIs need summaries of expected uses and conditions where it's appropriate to use these classes and where not.
Meeting agenda
- talk to kevin about realtime srv
move recoder to .. (stu decide) ->
- see if realtime publisher can support this functionality
have realtime array publisher? -> roadmap
- realtime publisher drops msgs in buffer between realtime and non-realtime
can ros take msgs at 1kHz? -> done from ethercat
- recorder limits bandwidth usage
- infuser
- get data from non-reltime into realtime
- limited to 1 reader because of allocation question in rt
- use in realtiem publisher?
- look at rt fifo's. Josh maybe found one
- set policy for when one side can't keep up
- we are not using infuser: it does not support what we need for the trajectory controller
- could create infuser that uses locks and priority inversion as we do now in trajectory controller
- proposal:
- write realtime box (stu)
- kill realtime infuser
Package status change mark change manifest)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved