Wish list
The list below was created while developing the current stack version. Some the listed items are already underway.
Reduce bandwidth of /tf topic: Do not broadcast intermediate frames (underway)
Reduce log statements, make better use of severity levels (underway)
- Use a KDL subtree with only relevant joints/links, and not the whole robot tree
- Allow more general endpoint specification
- Investigate possible use of iTaSC
Move away from service-based IK calls to a plugin-based one (underway)
- Simplify configuration files
- Make stack robot-agnostic (and remove reem_ prefix from name)
Document public API (partially done/underway)
- Add proper unit test suite
Create branches specific to each supported ros release (underway)
Compare the pipeline performance when using multiple nodes, multiple nodelets and one node (I: current implementation, II: underway)
Please feel free to add further items to the list.
Remarks on the wish list
@ 4. The implementation of this feature will involve changes mainly in the motion_adaption package and to some extend in the reem_teleop_coordinator package. It would be helpful to share some thoughts before this is tackled: see the related proposal on the motion_adaption review site.