Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
rosjava is a partial implementation of the ROS NodeHandle API for Java. The current implementation works by calling roscpp behind the scenes using JNI, although the intention is to eventually rewrite it in pure Java. The interfaces in the "ros" package are intended to be independent of the implementation, so that this change can be made transparently when the pure Java implementation has been written.
rosjava is currently in an early alpha state; the core functionality it provides has been fairly well tested, but many more advanced features are missing. Its API has not yet been reviewed, and is likely to change in the future.
rosjava is currently maintained by Nicholas Butko. Contact nbutko at ucsd dot edu with issues and fixes.
- Author: Jason Wolfe (, Nicholas Butko (, Lorenz Moesenlechner (
- License: BSD
- Source: git git:// (branch: master)
Pure Java implementation
For a pure Java implementation, please see rosjava_core.
Package Details
Rosjava has been moved to a different repository and got released. Get the current version with the following command:
git clone client_rosjava_jni
Client library API
As much as possible, each method provided by the rosjava client library simply wraps a call to a method by the same name in the roscpp C++ client library.
Thus, the best place to look for detailed documentation on individual rosjava methods is probably the roscpp documentation. Specifically, you can find information there about initialization and NodeHandle creation, NodeHandles, Publishers and Subscribers, and ServiceClients and ServiceServers.
Right now, the rosjava code is broken up into three packages.
ros, which contains all of the interfaces that should be used by clients of the library.
ros.communication, which has the abstract Message and Services classes, as well as Time and Duration message field types.
ros.roscpp, which contains specific implementations of the ros interfaces that call into roscpp via JNI, and should eventually be replaced by a pure Java implementation. Users of the client library should never refer to anything in this package; they should only use the public API in the ros and ros.communication packages.
Messages and Services
When a package (with a Java target) is compiled, a Java source files for each Message and Service of all dependencies is automatically generated and placed in the msg_gen/java and srv_gen/java folders respectively. Currently, a package's messages and services live in the ros.pkg.<package-name>.msg and ros.pkg.<package-name>.srv Java packages, and extend the java.communication.Message and java.communication.Service classes.
In addition to the interface defined in the java.communication.Message and java.communication.Service classes, each message will have one public member for each data element, with the name defined in the message declaration, and each Service will have inner class Message types named "Request" and "Response".
ROS Message data types are mapped to Java data types as follows:
Message type |
Java type |
string |
java.lang.String |
time |
ros.communication.Time |
duration |
ros.communication.Duration |
byte, char, int8 |
byte |
uint8, int16 |
short |
uint16, int32 |
int |
uint32, int64, uint64 |
long |
float32 |
float |
float64 |
double |
bool |
boolean |
type[] |
type[] for primitive types |
type[] |
ArrayList<type> for complex types |
type[5] |
type[5] |
In particular, because Java lacks unsigned types, note that unsigned message types are currently mapped to Java's next bigger signed types. Since there is no next bigger type for long, uing64 and int64 are both mapped to long. Fixed size arrays are mapped to Java arrays. Variable size arrays over primitive types are also mapped to Java arrays to ensure that processing can be done efficiently. All other arrays are mapped to ArrayLists.
Message constants are mapped to final static members of a message class.
Finally, when a new Message subtype instance is created, all the fields are initialized to legal default values. In particular, primitives will be 0 (or 0.0), strings will be "", times and durations will have 0 secs and nsecs, variable arrays will be created with size 0 and fixed-length arrays will be created with the given size, and submessages will be recursively initialized by these same rules.
Building and running rosjava packages
Because rosjava currently wraps roscpp via JNI, it requires header files and shared libraries only provided with the Java Development Kit (JDK). You will need a copy of the JDK (version >= 5) installed to compile or run rosjava and any nodes that depend on it. client_rosjava contains a rosdep.yaml file so that rosdep should work as expected.
Moreover, in order to build, rosjava needs to know where to find your JDK installation. Per default, it uses the cmake FindJNI module. If this causes problems, you can set your JAVA_HOME environmental variable, e.g.,:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/
Once you've installed the JDK and maybe set your JAVA_HOME, you should be ready to build and use existing rosjava nodes. To test this out, assuming you have already downloaded and build ROS, you should be able to:
roscd test_rosjava make test
and see a bunch of printouts, followed by a successful test result. If things don't build or run properly, you probably have a bad version of Java installed or haven't set your JAVA_HOME correctly.
When running rosjava nodes, you should always use the provided scripts (which can be autogenerated, see the next section) rather than directly launching them via the "java" command. This is because two environmental variables need to be set for rosjava nodes to run correctly. First, rosjava nodes need to be able to dynamically link to the rosjava JNI library: LD_LIBRARY_PATH= <rosjava>/bin. Second, roscpp installs signal handlers that can interfere with the Java virtual machine's handlers, causing unexpected and hard-to-diagnose problems. To avoid this, you need to set LD_PRELOAD="path to", which is part of the JDK distribution.
Creating new rosjava packages
To create a new rosjava node, you need to take the following steps:
- Add a dependency to rosjava in your manifest.xml
- In CMakeLists.txt, add a line
- for each Java source directory tree you want compiled (into the /bin directory of your package). This will also trigger compilation of all of the message and service classes your package depends on, the output of which will also be placed in the /bin directory of the current package.
- In CMakeLists.txt, for each main class, add a line
rospack_add_java_executable(<exec-name> <class-name>)
This will generate a script in bin/<exec-name> that automatically sets the proper environmental variables, then launches java on your class with the proper classpath.
Currently, rosjava provides several additional parameters for javac and the generated wrapper script. These macros are:
add_classpath(path): Add a classpath to be used by javac (only at build time)
add_runtime_classpath(path): Add a classpath to be used by the wrapper script
add_jar_dir(dir): Add all jar files under a given directory to the classpath
add_jni_path(dir): Add all the .jnilib files under a given directory to the classpath
add_ld_preload(lib): Add a library to LD_PRELOAD in the wrapper script
You can append additional entries to the compile and runtime classpath by setting the environment variable ROSJAVA_AUX_CLASSPATH
Currently, there is no support for more advanced features, such as setting JVM arguments. Patches are always welcome!
- Importing rosjava
1 import ros.*;
2 import ros.communication.*;
- Initializing rosjava
1 Ros ros = Ros.getInstance();
2 ros.init("testNode");
- Logging to rosout
Creating a NodeHandle
1 NodeHandle n = ros.createNodeHandle();
- Setting and getting parameters
- Publishing on a topic
- Subscribing to a topic (with a queueing callback)
1 Subscriber.QueueingCallback<ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg.String> callback =
2 new Subscriber.QueueingCallback<ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg.String>();
3 Subscriber<ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg.String> sub =
4 n.subscribe("/sub", new ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg.String(), callback, 10);
6 n.spinOnce();
8 while (!callback.isEmpty()) {
9 System.out.println(callback.pop().data);
10 }
11 sub.shutdown();
(this could be made less ugly by importing the String message class, except that in this case it clashes with Java's built-in String type.)
- Calling a service
1 import ros.pkg.roscpp_tutorials.srv.TwoInts;
3 ServiceClient<TwoInts.Request, TwoInts.Response, TwoInts> sc =
4 n.serviceClient("add_two_ints" , new TwoInts(), false);
6 TwoInts.Request rq = new TwoInts.Request();
7 rq.a = 12;
8 rq.b = 17;
10 System.out.println("12 + 17 = " +;
11 sc.shutdown();
- Advertising a service, and then spinning
1 import ros.pkg.roscpp_tutorials.srv.TwoInts;
3 ServiceServer.Callback<TwoInts.Request,TwoInts.Response> scb =
4 new ServiceServer.Callback<TwoInts.Request,TwoInts.Response>() {
5 public TwoInts.Response call(TwoInts.Request request) {
6 TwoInts.Response res = new TwoInts.Response();
7 res.sum = request.a + request.b;
8 return res;
9 }
10 };
12 ServiceServer<TwoInts.Request,TwoInts.Response,TwoInts> srv =
13 n.advertiseService("add_two_ints", new TwoInts(), scb);
15 ros.spin();
Shutting down a NodeHandle (and all Publishers/Subscribers/ServiceClients/ServiceServers created through it)
1 n.shutdown();