The <group> tag
The <group> tag makes it easier to apply settings to a group of nodes. It has an ns attribute that lets you push the group of nodes into a separate namespace. You can also use the <remap> tag to apply remap setting across the group.
ns="namespace" (optional)
- Assign the group of nodes to the specified namespace. The namespace can be global or relative, though global namespaces are discouraged.
clear_params="true|false" (optional)
Delete all parameters in the group's namespace before launch. This feature is very dangerous and should be used with caution. ns must be specified.
The <group> tag is equivalent to the top-level <launch> tag and simply acts as a container for the tags within. This means that you can use any tag as you would normally use it within a <launch> tag.
- Launch a node.
Set a parameter on the Parameter Server
- Declare a name remapping.
- Declare a machine to use for launching.
Set ROS parameters for the launch using a rosparam file.
Include other roslaunch files.
- Specify an environment variable for launched nodes.
Launch a test node (see rostest).
- Declare an argument.