work in progress
World Element
A world can be composed of different entities.
Here's an example of a world element:
1 <world name="pr2_with_table">
2 <!-- include the models by including
3 either the complete urdf or
4 referencing the file name.
5 -->
6 <model name="pr2">
7 ...
8 </model>
9 <include filename="table.urdf" model_name="table_model"/>
11 <!-- construct the world -->
12 <entity model="pr2" name="prj">
13 <origin xyz="0 1 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
14 </entity>
15 <entity model="pr2" name="prk">
16 <origin xyz="0 2 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
17 </entity>
18 <entity model="table_model">
19 <origin xyz="0 3 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
20 </entity>
22 </world>
name (required) (string)
- Name of the world.
<entity> (optional)
model (required) (string)
name of the URDF Model.
name (optional: defaults to model name) (string)
- name of the entity, must be unique.