Please note, the arbotix package became it's own stack, with an 0.4.0 release.
0.3.2 (2010-10-26) r146
- [arbotix] fix time_increment bug in PML.
- [arbotix] fix min_range/max_range settings in PML.
- [arbotix] move action-based controllers to new simple_controllers package.
- [arbotix] move joint_traj_controller to experimental package.
- [arbotix_experimental] add joint_traj_controller.
0.3.1 (2010-10-20) r130
- [arbotix] major updates to firmware/pml driver to handle skew of sensor readings under motion.
- [arbotix] add ability to adjust the scanning range of the PML at startup.
- [arbotix] fixed bug where no dynamixels and sync_read leads to failed read.
- [arbotix] move firmware to new arbotix_firmware package.
[arbotix_firmware] pml scanning and data storage code has been split off into an Arduino library. Library release with RoboControllerLib 0009
0.3.0 (2010-10-16) r106
- [arbotix] revised base_controller and firmware PID code, including the ability to load PID parameters at startup.
- [arbotix] speed ramping has been moved from firmware into the PC-side code for ease in changing acceleration limits.
[arbotix] support for BigMotors library has been added.
- [arbotix] new v_monitor sensor has been added.
0.2.1 (2010-09-03) r74
- [arbotix] update PML firmware update rate to 20hz (30hz is too fast)
- [arbotix] fixed a bug in servo-level sync.
0.2.0 (2010-08-26) r66
- [arbotix] node is ROS API stable, including servo parameter specification, digital/analog services, and the controller loading interface.
- [arbotix] controller is stable.
- [arbotix] are ROS API stable (cmd_vel, odometry publication), however, the parameter specifications and underlying code are subject to change. base_controller PID parameters are currently configurable only via firmware recompile -- this will be fixed in the next release.
- [arbotix] The Planar Meta-Laser, or PML, (found in arbotix_sensors/ is experimental. It will be undergoing massive revisions to parameter specifications and data generation in 0.3.0
- [arbotix] The Controller GUI tool is approaching stability.
0.1.0 (2010-07-30) r9
- basic functionality, ROS API unstable