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Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Lorenz Moesenlechner <moesenle AT cs.tum DOT edu>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner <moesenle AT cs.tum DOT edu>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Lorenz Moesenlechner <moesenle AT cs.tum DOT edu>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner <moesenle AT cs.tum DOT edu>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Gayane Kazhoyan <kazhoyan AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Gayane Kazhoyan <kazhoyan AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Gayane Kazhoyan <kazhoyan AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Gayane Kazhoyan <kazhoyan AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Gayane Kazhoyan <kazhoyan AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Gayane Kazhoyan <kazhoyan AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>, Georg Bartels <georg.bartels AT cs.uni-bremen DOT de>
- Author: Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a simple server and a client. In contrast to the implementations of actionlib in C++ and Python which provide a simple action client/server and a complex one, the lisp equivalent provides only one server and client implementation. The server is similar to the simple action server and the client is a little bit more powerful than the simple action client but not as complex as the complex C++ equivalent.
The interface consists of the following methods:
(make-action-client action-name action-type) constructs a new action client on the action named action-name with type action-type.
(wait-for-server action-client &optional timeout) waits for the server to appear. If timeout is set and expires, returns NIL, otherwise returns T.
(send-goal client goal &optional done-cb feedback-cb active-cb state-change-cb): Sends a goal to the action server and returns a corresponding goal handle. The following parameters can be specified:
client is an instance of ACTION-CLIENT.
done-cb is a function that takes exactly two parameters, the final status and the result of the goal. It is executed when the execution of the goal terminated.
feedback-cb is a function that takes exactly one parameter, the feedback message of the goal. It is executed whenever feedback for that specific goal is received.
active-cb is a function with no parameters. It is executed when the goal turns active, i.e. is accepted by the server.
state-change-cb is a function with one parameter that is called whenever the state of the goal transitions. The parameter is indicating the new status. Please note that this state is the the simple client state, i.e. either :pending, :active or :done. A done transition can be performed _before_ a result has been received.
(cancel-goal goal-handle) cancels the goal bound to goal-handle
(wait-for-result goal-handle &optional timeout) waits for the goal to terminate and send a result message. It returns two values, the result message and the corresponding action status (:done, :preempted, :lost or :aborted).
(send-goal-and-wait client goal &key exec-timeout result-timeout feedback-cb): Sends a goal to the action server and waits until termination of the goal. It returns two values, the result message and the status of the goal, similar to wait-for-result. Additionally, every received feedback message raises the signal feedback-signal which is connect to a restart abort-goal. This mechanism is the intended way of cancelling a running action based on a feedback message.
client is an instance of ACTION-CLIENT.
goal is the goal message to be sent
exec-timeout specifies the timeout for execution of the goal
result-timeout specifies the maximal time between status transition of the goal to :done and the reception of the result message.
feedback-cb callback that takes exactly one argument, the feedback message. It is executed whenever a feedback message is received. Please note that the feedback callback is not executed in the subscriber-thread of the feedback topic but in the current thread that called send-goal-and-wait.
(call-goal client goal &key timeout result-timeout feedback-cb): deprecated version of `send-goal-and-wait.
(connected-to-server client) returns T if the client is connected to a server.
(make-action-goal client &rest args): macro to construct a goal message. client is the action client. The rest of the parameters are similar to roslisp's make-msg, i.e. are used to specify the value of message slots.
This example shows how to construct an action client for the fibonacci action of the actionlisp_tutorials package, send a goal to it and wait for the result.
(defparameter *ac* (make-action-client "/fibonacci" "actionlib_tutorials/FibonacciAction")) (send-goal-and-wait *ac* (make-action-goal *ac* :order 10) :exec-timeout 20 :result-timeout 0.5)
To run it, you need to have the actionlib-lisp and actionlib_tutorials-msg loaded and be in a package that uses the actionlib package.
The server is similar to the C++ simple action server. It can handle only one goal at a time and if another goal is received while the server is processing an old goal, it is preempted and the new goal is executed.
(start-action-server action-name action-type exec-callback &key separate-thread) starts an action server with name action-name and type action-type. Whenever a goal is received, the callback with name exec-callback is executed. If separate-thread is non-NIL, spawns a new thread in which the server is run.
(def-exec-callback name args &body body): A macro for defining actionlib execution callbacks. It works like defun, except
- The argument list is treated like the argument list of with-fields: it binds (possibly nested) fields of the goal object
The forms preempt-current, succeed-current, abort-current, cancel-request-received and publish-feedback can be used inside body
- If we reach the end of the body without a dynamic nonlocal exit (i.e., caused by preempting, aborting, or succeeding), an error is signalled.
(succeed-current &rest args): macro that succeeds the current goal. args is similar to the arguments make-msg takes and is used to construct the result message.
(abort-current &rest args): macro that aborts the current goal. args is similar to the arguments make-msg takes and is used to construct the result message.
(preempt-current &rest args): macro that preempts the current goal. args is similar to the arguments make-msg takes and is used to construct the result message.
(publish-feedback &rest args): macro that constructs and sends a feedback message. args is similar to the arguments make-msg takes and is used to construct the feedback message.
(cancel-request-received) returns T if the current goal is requested to preempt.
This example shows how to implement a simple fibonacci action server.
(def-exec-callback fib-callback (order) "This function takes in the FibonacciGoal message and pursues the action." (ros-debug (fib callback) "entering callback with goal ~a" order) (let ((a 1) (b 1) (seq (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (dotimes (i order) (when (cancel-request-received) (ros-debug (fib callback) "goal ~a canceled" order) (preempt-current :sequence seq)) ;; Note that this exits the callback (psetq a b b (+ a b)) (vector-push-extend a seq) (ros-debug (fib callback) "publishing feedback for goal ~a" order) (publish-feedback :sequence seq) (sleep 1.0)) (ros-debug (fib callback) "succeeding on goal ~a" order) (succeed-current :sequence seq))) (defun fib-server () (with-ros-node ("fib") (start-action-server "fibonacci" "actionlib_tutorials/FibonacciAction" #'fib-callback)))