Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This package defines messages specific to ART autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: BSD
- Repository: utexas-ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package defines messages specific to ART autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package defines messages specific to ART autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package defines messages specific to ART autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
This package collects all ROS messages that are specific to the ART autonomous vehicle, simplifying the dependencies between art_vehicle stack components.
It has minimal build dependencies, eliminating unnecessary compiles when modifying a package which only interacts with others via messages.
Message Groupings
Many of these messages are primarily associated with specific art_vehicle packages:
art_msgs/ArtHertz control cycle rates for various ART vehicle nodes
art_msgs/ArtVehicle ART vehicle dimensions
art_msgs/Conversions unit conversion constants
art_msgs/Epsilon constants representing trivial differences
Global Positioning System
art_msgs/GpsInfo GPS information (to be replaced by sensor_msgs/NavSatFix for Diamondback release)
Road map
Servo control
art_msgs/CarCommand (deprecated, use art_msgs/CarDriveStamped)
art_msgs/CarControl (deprecated, use art_msgs/CarDrive)
art_msgs/LearningCommand (deprecated, use art_msgs/CarDrive)