Only released in EOL distros:
vrep_ros_bridge: camera_handler | contact_handler | force_sensor_handler | imu_handler | manipulator_handler | quadrotor_handler | rigid_body_handler | vrep_ros_plugin
Package Summary
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
- Maintainer: Martin Pecka <peckama2 AT ciirc.cvut DOT cz>
- Author: Martin Pecka <peckama2 AT ciirc.cvut DOT cz>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)