Only released in EOL distros:
turtlebot_create: create_description | create_driver | create_node
Package Summary
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: OSRF <turtlebot AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Daemon Kohler <damonkohler AT google DOT com>, Ken Conley <kwc AT kwc DOT org>, Melonee Wise <mwise AT willowgarage DOT com>
- License: MIT
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: indigo)