Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Daniel Stonier <stonier AT rnd.yujinrobot DOT com>
- Author: Daniel Stonier <stonier AT rnd.yujinrobot DOT com>, Younghoon Ju <younghoon.ju AT rnd.yujinrobot DOT com>, Jorge Santos Simon <jorge AT rnd.yujinrobot DOT com>, Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt AT rnd.yujinrobot DOT com>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
New in groovy
Components of this stack:
kobuki_bringup : scripts and launch files for running Kobuki
kobuki_comms : Kobuki-specific messages and services
kobuki_controller_tutorial : tutorial-related code
kobuki_description : URDF and Gazebo (TODO) model description of Kobuki
kobuki_driver : a pure c++ library driver for the Kobuki base
kobuki_ftdi : utils for flashing Kobuki's FTDI chip and enabling it to appear on /dev/kobuki
kobuki_node : a ros node driver for the kobuki base
kobuki_safety_controller : watches the bumper, cliff and wheel drop sensor to allow safe operation
kobuki_arm : Experimental code for controlling an arm on top of Turtlebot (DO NOT USE)
Check out the tutorials section to find out about installing and running Kobukibot.
Use github to report bugs or request features.
Check for more information!
Snappy Corner