New in diamondback
Only released in EOL distros:
rx: rxbag | rxgraph | rxtools | wxpython_swig_interface | xdot
Package Summary
Package deprecated These wxWidget based tools are superseded by the Qt based tool rqt and its plugins
GUI tools for ROS - rxbag, rxplot, rxgraph, and others
- Maintainer status: end-of-life (Superseded by rqt_common_plugins)
- Maintainer: Dirk Thomas <dthomas AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Ken Conley, Brian Gerkey
- License: BSD, LGPL, Creative Commons, wxWindows
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
rx packages are replaced by rqt, which is available for fuerte and later.
The rx stack contains GUI-related tools for using ROS, including:
rxbag: ROS bag recording, playback and visualization
rxgraph: ROS graph visualization
rxplot: ROS topic data visualization
rxconsole: ROS/rosout logging output
Prior to ROS Diamondback, these tools were part of the monolithic ros stack. They are now provided separately to enable GUI-less use of ROS. This work was done as part of REP 100.
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<<TracLink(ros rx)>>