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- electric: Documentation generated on March 02, 2013 at 01:48 PM
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- hydro: Documentation generated on August 27, 2015 at 03:21 PM (doc job).
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- melodic: Documentation generated on March 01, 2022 at 07:46 AM (doc job).
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Stack Summary
This package contains the Stage robot simulator, from the Player Project. This package provides Stage 3.2.2, with a minor patch.
This package also provides stageros, a ROS node that uses Stage.
- Author: Richard Vaughan, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits list.
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package contains the Stage robot simulator, from the Player Project. This package provides Stage 3.2.2, with a minor patch.
This package also provides stageros, a ROS node that uses Stage.
- Author: Richard Vaughan, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits list.
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package contains the Stage robot simulator, from the Player Project. This package provides the latest development version of Stage (git:// See also the Stage project page at GitHub.
This package also provides stageros, a ROS node that uses Stage.
- Author: Richard Vaughan, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits list.
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This package contains the Stage robot simulator, from the Player Project. This package provides the latest development version of Stage (git:// See also the Stage project page at GitHub.
This package also provides stageros, a ROS node that uses Stage.
- Author: Richard Vaughan, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits list.
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Source: svn
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: release/hydro/stage)
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: release/kinetic/stage)
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: release/melodic/stage)
Package Summary
Mobile robot simulator
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: William Woodall <william AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Richard Vaughan <vaughan AT sfu DOT ca>, Brian Gerkey <gerkey AT willowgarage DOT com>, Reed Hedges <hedges AT mobilerobots DOT com>, Andrew Howard <andrew.b.howard AT jpl.nasa DOT gov>, Toby Collett <tcollett AT DOT nz>, Pooya Karimian <pooyak AT sfu DOT ca>, Jeremy Asher <jra11 AT sfu DOT ca>, Alex Couture-Beil <asc17 AT sfu DOT ca>, Geoff Biggs <git AT killbots DOT net>, Rich Mattes <jpgr87 AT github DOT com>, Abbas Sadat <abbas.sadat AT gmail DOT com>
- License: GPL
- External website:
External Documentation
For detailed documentation on the Stage .world file format, consult the Stage manual v3.2.1 (2009) , Stage manual v4.0.0 (2011) or Stage manual v4.1.1 (2012+).
The stageros node wraps the Stage 2-D multi-robot simulator, via libstage. Stage simulates a world as defined in a .world file. This file tells stage everything about the world, from obstacles (usually represented via a bitmap to be used as a kind of background), to robots and other objects.
This node only exposes a subset of Stage's functionality via ROS. Specifically, it finds the Stage models of type laser, and of type position, and maps these models to the ROS topics given below. If at least one laser and position model are not found, stageros exits.
stageros [-g runs headless] <world> [standard ROS args]
- world : The Stage .world file to load.
- -g : If set, this option will run stage as "headless," no GUI will be displayed.
World syntax
The .world file syntax is documented in the Stage manual. stageros only exposes models created by a subset of the .world file syntax, specifically laser and position models. For examples, see the world directory in the stage package.
Subscribed topics
If there is only one position model defined in the world file, all of these topics appear at the top namespace. However, if more than 1 position models exist, these topics are pushed down into their own namespaces, by prefixing the topics with robot_<i>/ , e.g., robot_0/cmd_vel etc.
cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist
- velocity commands to differentially drive the position model of the robot
Published topics
If there is only one position model defined in the world file, all of these topics appear at the top namespace. However, if more than 1 position models exist, these topics are pushed down into their own namespaces, by prefixing the topics with robot_<i>/ , e.g., robot_0/cmd_vel etc.
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
- odometry data from the position model.
base_scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
- scans from the laser model
base_pose_ground_truth (nav_msgs/Odometry)
- ground truth pos
odom vs. base_pose_ground_truth
The odom topic gives simulated odometry, which is affected by settings in the .world file, which can change its origin and noise model (the transforms mentioned below use the same data); see the Stage documentation for details on changing this behavior. The base_pose_ground_truth topic always provides a perfect, globally referenced pose for the robot in the simulation, independent of .world file settings. The base_pose_ground_truth data is intended for testing purposes; it should not be used in robot control loops (because it's unrealistic).
~base_watchdog_timeout (default: 0.2)
time (in seconds) after receiving the last command on cmd_vel before stopping a position model
tf transforms provided
base_link → base_laser
- transform from robot base to attached laser
base_footprint → base_link
- identity transform
odom → base_footprint
- transform from odometric origin to base
Using Stage controllers
Stage supports the use of "controllers," which are chunks of code that control simulated robots from inside the simulator, instead of being on the other end of a ROS connection. There are some situations in which it can be advantageous to use Stage controllers. For a discussion of when and how to use Stage controllers, see this tutorial.
Report a Bug
<<TracLink(ros-pkg stage)>>
The ROS code which integrates with stage now lives in a separate package called stage_ros.