Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Devon Ash <dash AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
This package provides an application that allows a PR2 robot to navigate autonomously through a previously mapped environment.
The pr2_2dnav application requires some prerequisite steps in order to run.
Bring up the Robot
As with all PR2 applications, you must bring up your robot.
Provide a Map
This application assumes that a map is provided. Please see documentation on the map_server for information on providing a map over ROS.
Tuck the Arms
Tuck the arms of the PR2 using the pr2_tuckarm application.
Running the Application
The pr2_2dnav application can be run with the following command:
roslaunch pr2_2dnav pr2_2dnav.launch
Interacting with the Application
The navigation stack that is the heart of the pr2_2dnav application can be commanded via rviz, nav_view, or through code.
- You can bring up rviz in a pr2_2dnav friendly configuration by running the following launch file:
roslaunch pr2_navigation_global rviz_move_base.launch
- In the rviz window that pops up, you'll need to set the pose of the robot.
- Take note of where the robot is in the world.
- Right click and drag to zoom on the map.
- Click the "2D Pose Estimate" button in the rviz GUI window.
- Left click on the map at the location of the robot and drag to set orientation.
- Verify that the scans from the base laser of the robot match up fairly well with the map of the environment.
- The application is now up and ready to receive goals.
- Click the "2D Nav Goal" button in the rviz GUI window.
- Left click on the map at the location of the goal and drag to set orientation.
- If the robot is surrounded by obstacles, it may not move. Move obstacles or set a new goal to try again.
- In the rviz window that pops up, you'll need to set the pose of the robot.
Navigation and rviz tutorial: Provides additional information on using rviz with the navigation stack.
- You can bring up nav_view in a pr2_2dnav friendly configuration by running the following launch file
roslaunch pr2_navigation_global nav_view_move_base.launch
- In the nav_view window that pops up, you'll need to set the pose of the robot.
- Take note of where the robot is in the world.
- Right click and drag to zoom on the map.
- Click the "Set Pose" button in the nav_view GUI window.
- Left click on the map at the location of the robot and drag to set orientation.
- Verify that the scans from the base laser of the robot match up fairly well with the map of the environment.
- The application is now up and ready to receive goals.
- Click the "Set Goal" button in the nav_view GUI window.
- Left click on the map at the location of the goal and drag to set orientation.
- If the robot is surrounded by obstacles, it may not move. Move obstacles or set a new goal to try again.
- In the nav_view window that pops up, you'll need to set the pose of the robot.
Through Code
A tutorial on sending goals to the navigation stack with code can be found here.