Show EOL distros:
rqt_common_plugins: rqt_action | rqt_bag | rqt_bag_plugins | rqt_console | rqt_dep | rqt_graph | rqt_image_view | rqt_launch | rqt_logger_level | rqt_msg | rqt_plot | rqt_publisher | rqt_py_common | rqt_py_console | rqt_reconfigure | rqt_service_caller | rqt_shell | rqt_srv | rqt_top | rqt_topic | rqt_web
Package Summary
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Dorian Scholz <scholz AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- Author: Dorian Scholz
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
By default the column sizes in the rqt_topic view are automatically resized based on the width of the content. If you prefer to adjust the column widths manually you can right-click on the table header and select *Toggle Auto-Resize* to switch between automatic and manual mode.
Known issue
When monitoring topics that carry large amount of data (e.g. sensor_msgs/Image), the whole rqt process or even the entire OS might get slow down.
- For other issues, please check the existing/closed tickets on the issue tracker.