Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This package provides tools to generate and simulate different grasping solutions in the Care-o-Bot.
- Author: Robotnik Automation SLL
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
This package provides tools to generate and simulate different grasping solutions in the Care-o-Bot.
- Author: Robotnik Automation SLL
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
This package provides tools to generate and simulate different grasping solutions in the Care-o-Bot.
- Author: Robotnik Automation SLL
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
This API is for grasp tasks with the SDH (Schunk Dextrous Hand). It provides tools to generate/simulate different grasping solutions.
To obtain the grasping solutions there are 2 services. The get_pregrasps service is exclusive for the srs_ui_but.
get_db_grasps ( srs_grasping/GetDBGrasps)
- Reads the grasping configurations from the database. If the info is not stored, it tries to generate it.
get_feasible_grasps ( srs_grasping/GetFeasibleGrasps)
Returns the feasible grasping configurations (in /base_link coordinates system) for a given object ID and object pose.
get_pregrasps ( srs_grasping/GetPreGrasp)
- Return pregrasp configurations for a given position.
Simulate the generated grasp configurations in the OpenRAVE simulator.
A grasp task example.
Obtains grasp configurations for a given object.
This files contains all the methods used in the grasping tools.
src/ src/ src/
This one contains an instance of each one:
The services.
src/ src/ src/
This file launch all the services.
This file contains the mesh of the hand. It's needed to calculate grasps and other tasks.
This ppackage depends on OpenRAVE. The faster option is to install OpenRAVE from its repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openrave/release sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openrave
Another option is to install the openrave_planning package.
We recommend the first option to avoid configuration problems with environment variables.
The grasping tools calls the generator when the goal has not a grasping info in the database. Internally, these tools needs to call some srs_object_database services. For that reason, before use these tools you must launch the srs_db.launch file. More details about the configuration and content of this file can be found in the srs_object_database wiki.
roslaunch srs_object_database srs_db.launch
After launch this file, you must launch:
roslaunch srs_grasping grasping_services.launch
At this point, you can use different grasp tools like the generator, the simulator or the grasp_machine:
rosrun srs_grasping rosrun srs_grasping