Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
- Author: SRS team
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
- Author: SRS team
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
- Author: SRS team
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Create a static 2D map of the environment
see cob_mapping_slam
record map to srs_user_tests package
roscd srs_user_tests/ros/config/ipa-apartment rosrun map_server map_saver
Create initial environment model
start navigation with new map
roscd srs_user_tests/ros/config/ipa-apartment roslaunch cob_navigation_global 2dnav_ros_dwa.launch map:=$(pwd)/map.yaml
record bag file on pc2 (TODO: Check if topics are correct)
rosbag record -O /tmp/srs_setup.bag /tf /cam3d/depth_registered/points
create environment model for BUT version
rosbag play /tmp/srs/srs_setup.bag roslaunch srs_env_model but_envmodel_robot.launch
Save map
roslaunch srs_user_tests save_octomap.launch roscd srs_user_tests/data mv saved_octomap.enm ipa-apartment/octomap.enm
Load map
roslaunch srs_user_tests load_octomap.launch
create environment model for IPA version
rosbag play /tmp/srs/srs_setup.bag roslaunch cob_3d_mapping_pipeline mapping.launch rosrun cob_3d_mapping_point_map <start|stop>
Save map to bag file
rosrun cob_3d_mapping_geometry_map get_geometry_map /tmp/srs/geomap.bag roscd srs_user_tests/data/ipa-apartment cp /tmp/srs/geomap.bag .
Load initial map from bag file
roscd srs_user_tests/data/ipa-apartment roslaunch cob_3d_mapping_geometry_map set_geometry_map.launch file_path:=geomap.bag
rosrun rviz rviz
Start user tests
on robot or simulation machine
Start srs components on robot
roslaunch srs_user_tests run_test.launch exp:=e2 task:=man2 cond:=a sim:=false log:=true id:=p1
- Experiment.
- Code of the task.
- Condition or subtask.
Set sim to true for simulated scenario, otherwise omit this argument or set to false.
- When setted to true, logs will be recorded (to srs_user_tests/data/logs/p1/e2/man2/a for given example) on the robot. Topics for logging are specified separately for each task in configuration directory.
Argument id can be arbitrary string and it can be used to tag test/participant.
on remote pc
roslaunch srs_user_tests run_test_remote.launch exp:=e2 task:=man2 cond:=a sim:=false log:=true id:=p1
Arguments exp, task, cond, sim and id have the same meaning for both launch files. Just id has slightly different function:
- When setted to true, screenshots will be recorded (to srs_user_tests/data/logs/p1/e2/man2/a for given example) on the remote machine.
Simulation environment
We developed a highly realistic model apartment for the Gazebo simulator with many textured furniture items and household objects with realistic physical features such as weight, friction resistance, centre of gravity. The model apartment includes a kitchen with dining area, several corridors, a living room, and a bedroom with furniture and other household objects. It resembles actual premises at Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart, Germany.
Usage instructions
checkout srs_public repository
get copy of cob_environments (extended fork)
start some scenario