Show EOL distros:
- diamondback: Only showing information from the released package extracted on Unknown. No API documentation available. Please see this page for information on how to submit your repository to our index.
- electric: Documentation generated on Unknown
- fuerte: Documentation generated on December 28, 2013 at 05:53 PM
- groovy: Documentation generated on October 06, 2014 at 08:56 AM
- hydro: Documentation generated on September 02, 2015 at 12:14 PM (doc job).
- indigo: Documentation generated on June 07, 2019 at 05:12 AM (doc job).
- jade: Documentation generated on August 09, 2017 at 10:44 AM (doc job).
- kinetic: Documentation generated on December 12, 2019 at 03:42 AM (doc job).
- lunar: Documentation generated on June 07, 2019 at 03:42 AM (doc job).
- melodic: Documentation generated on March 01, 2022 at 07:57 AM (doc job).
- noetic: Documentation generated on March 02, 2022 at 09:07 AM (doc job).
Used by (32)
- ar_pose
- articulation_percept...
- camera_calibration
- camera_self_filter
- checkerboard_detecto...
- checkerboard_pose_es...
- cob_camera_sensors
- compressed_image_tra...
- compressed_imagem_tr...
- door_handle_detector...
- face_detector
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_rotate
- image_stream
- image_view
- imagem_transport
- kidnapped_robot
- kinect_camera
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- laser_cb_detector
- mjpeg_server
- opencv_tests
- openni_camera_unstab...
- pr2_camera_focus
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- qualification
- stereo_image_proc
- theora_image_transpo...
- theora_imagem_transp...
- uvc_cam2
- vslam_system
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Author: James Bowman, Patrick Mihelich
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Used by (36)
- augmented_object_sel...
- bosch_object_segment...
- camera_calibration
- camera_self_filter
- checkerboard_detecto...
- checkerboard_pose_es...
- cob_camera_calibrati...
- cob_gazebo
- cob_image_capture
- cob_image_flip
- cob_read_text
- cob_robot_calibratio...
- compressed_image_tra...
- compressed_imagem_tr...
- cv_markers
- fast_plane_detection...
- hector_compressed_ma...
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_rotate
- image_stream
- image_view
- imagem_transport
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- laser_cb_detector
- mjpeg_server
- opencv_tests
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- semanticmodel
- simple_object_captur...
- stereo_image_proc
- theora_image_transpo...
- theora_imagem_transp...
- turtlebot_actions
- turtlebot_kinect_arm...
- uvc_cam2
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Author: James Bowman, Patrick Mihelich
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Used by (188)
- 2010_biorob_everyday...
- UI_segment_object
- approach_table_tools...
- april_test
- ar_bounding_box
- ar_kinect
- ar_pose
- ar_pose_old
- ar_recog
- ar_track_alvar
- arm_3d_cb_calib
- articulation_percept...
- aruco_pose
- bag_tools
- bipedRobin_navigatio...
- biped_robin_navigati...
- blort_ros
- camera_calibration
- camera_calibration_s...
- camera_laser_calibra...
- camera_pose_aruco
- camera_self_filter
- ccny_rgbd
- checkerboard_detecto...
- checkerboard_detecto...
- checkerboard_pose_es...
- cob_gazebo
- cob_image_flip
- color_table
- composite_node
- composite_swissrange...
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- compressed_imagem_tr...
- contracting_curve_de...
- cop_ros_plugins
- corobot_camera
- corobot_map_to_jpeg
- cpl_superpixels
- cpl_visual_features
- cr_calibration
- cr_capture
- cv_markers
- darwin_find_eggs
- demo_lidar
- demo_rgbd
- depth_image_proc
- depth_tracker_ros_vr...
- dlut_vision
- door_handle_detector...
- eddiebot_head_tracki...
- eddiebot_head_tracki...
- eddiebot_line_follow...
- eddiebot_line_follow...
- elevator_move_base_p...
- face_contour_detecto...
- face_detector
- face_detector_mono
- face_finder
- falkor_ardrone
- fast_plane_detection...
- fovis_ros
- fr_tools
- ground_truth
- hai_sandbox
- handeye_log
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hector_costmap
- hrl_camera
- hrl_clickable_displa...
- hrl_clickable_world
- hrl_head_registratio...
- hrl_head_tracking
- hrl_move_floor_detec...
- hrl_object_fetching
- hrl_phri_2011
- hrl_table_detect
- ias_projected_light
- image_algos
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_rotate
- image_stream
- image_view
- image_view2
- imagem_transport
- imagesift
- iri_cam_detection
- iri_camera_object_de...
- iri_camera_object_le...
- iri_camera_people_de...
- iri_chessboard_patte...
- iri_clean_board
- iri_clothes_grasping...
- iri_door_detector
- iri_fake_image_proce...
- iri_grasping_learner...
- iri_human_assisted_o...
- iri_image_publisher
- iri_image_reader
- iri_image_recorder
- iri_leaf_fitting
- iri_leaf_segmentatio...
- iri_map_location
- iri_my_database_publ...
- iri_object_detection...
- iri_opencv_filters
- iri_opencv_filters2
- iri_pcl_filters
- iri_people_tracking_...
- iri_plane_segmentati...
- iri_screen_informati...
- iri_sift
- iri_stereo_visual_od...
- iri_textile_count
- iri_visual_odometry
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_perception
- kelsey_sandbox
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- laser_cb_detector
- laser_interface
- mjpeg_server
- model_completion
- motld
- ndt_feature_reg
- ndt_map
- opencv_fitting
- opencv_ros_bridge_tu...
- opencv_tests
- or_nodes
- pal_vision_segmentat...
- pi_face_tracker
- pi_head_tracking_tut...
- portrait_painter
- posedetection_msgs
- posedetectiondb
- pr2_camera_focus
- pr2_clutter_helper
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- pr2_playpen
- pr2_plugs_actions
- projected_light
- ptam
- quad_save_image
- qualification
- rail_cv_project
- re_kinect_object_det...
- re_vision
- realtime_urdf_filter...
- rgbdslam
- ros2opencv
- rosbag_video
- rqt_image_view
- rqt_ptam
- saliency_detection
- sdf_tracker
- semanticmodel
- simple_object_captur...
- sr_gazebo_plugins
- srs_env_model
- srs_env_model_percp
- srs_ui_but
- srs_user_tests
- starmac_kinect
- stereo_image_proc
- stoc_driver
- swissranger_visualiz...
- tabletop_pushing
- theora_image_transpo...
- theora_imagem_transp...
- thermalvis
- tibi_dabo_questions
- turtlebot_actions
- turtlebot_kinect_arm...
- ueye
- uvc_cam2
- viso2_ros
- visual_servo
- vslam_system
- yarp_to_ros_image
- youbot_overhead_loca...
- youbot_overhead_visi...
- zbar_barcode_reader_...
- zbar_qt_ros
- zyonz_image_based_le...
- zyonz_obtain_roi_jum...
- zyonz_tof_color
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: fuerte-devel)
Used by (114)
- approach_table_tools...
- ar_kinect
- ar_pose
- ar_sys
- ar_track_alvar
- aruco_pose
- bag_tools
- baxter_examples
- baxter_tools
- beliefstate
- blob3d
- camera_calibration_s...
- camera_self_filter
- ccny_rgbd
- checkerboard_detecto...
- checkerboard_pose_es...
- cob_image_flip
- composite_node
- composite_swissrange...
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- compressed_imagem_tr...
- contracting_curve_de...
- cop_ros_plugins
- corobot_camera
- cr_calibration
- cr_capture
- demo_lidar
- demo_rgbd
- depth_image_proc
- depthcloud_encoder
- eddiebot_head_tracki...
- eddiebot_head_tracki...
- eddiebot_line_follow...
- eddiebot_line_follow...
- face_detector
- face_detector_mono
- fast_plane_detection...
- fovis_ros
- fr_tools
- head_pose_estimation...
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hector_costmap
- hector_heat_detectio...
- hector_motion_detect...
- hector_qrcode_detect...
- hector_rqt_plugins
- hrpsys
- ias_projected_light
- image_algos
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_rotate
- image_stream
- image_view
- image_view2
- imagem_transport
- imagesift
- jsk_libfreenect2
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_perception
- jsk_rviz_plugins
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- laser_cb_detector
- map_to_jpeg
- mjpeg_server
- model_completion
- ndt_map
- opencv_fitting
- opencv_ros_bridge_tu...
- opencv_tests
- opt_camera
- or_libs
- or_msgs
- or_nodes
- pano_core
- pano_py
- pano_ros
- pi_face_tracker
- pi_head_tracking_tut...
- posedetection_msgs
- posedetectiondb
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- pr2_plugs_actions
- projected_light
- projector_calibratio...
- ptam
- realtime_urdf_filter...
- resized_image_transp...
- rgbd_rosbag_tools
- ros2opencv
- rqt_image_view
- rqt_ptam
- sdf_tracker
- sr_gazebo_plugins
- srs_env_model
- srs_env_model_percp
- srs_ui_but
- srs_user_tests
- stoc_driver
- swissranger_visualiz...
- target_detector
- text_locator
- theora_image_transpo...
- theora_imagem_transp...
- turtlebot_actions
- turtlebot_kinect_arm...
- ueye
- uvc_cam2
- vision_opencv
- viso2_ros
- yarp_to_ros_image
- zbar_barcode_reader_...
- zbar_qt_ros
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Used by (101)
- agile_grasp
- apriltags_ros
- ar_kinect
- ar_pose
- ar_sys
- aruco_ros
- bag_tools
- baxter_examples
- baxter_tools
- blort_ros
- bwi_mapper
- bwi_planning_common
- bwi_tools
- camera_calibration
- checkerboard_detecto...
- checkerboard_pose_es...
- cob_3d_registration
- cob_image_flip
- cob_openni2_tracker
- cob_people_detection...
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- corobot_camera
- cr_calibration
- cr_capture
- cv_camera
- demo_lidar
- demo_rgbd
- depth_image_proc
- depthcloud_encoder
- face_detector
- find_object_2d
- foscam_8918_driver
- fovis_ros
- gazebo_plugins
- gscam
- head_pose_estimation...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_geotif...
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hector_costmap
- hector_heat_detectio...
- hector_motion_detect...
- hector_qrcode_detect...
- hector_rqt_plugins
- hector_soft_obstacle...
- hrpsys
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_rotate
- image_view
- image_view2
- imagesift
- jsk_libfreenect2
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_perception
- jsk_rqt_plugins
- jsk_rviz_plugins
- laser_cb_detector
- map_to_jpeg
- mavros_extras
- mjpeg_server
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- ndt_feature_reg
- ndt_map
- nerian_sp1
- opencv_tests
- opt_camera
- pal_vision_segmentat...
- pano_core
- pano_py
- pano_ros
- posedetection_msgs
- posedetectiondb
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- pr2_plugs_actions
- resized_image_transp...
- rgbd_rosbag_tools
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- sdf_tracker
- softkinetic_camera
- stereo_image_proc
- stereo_slam
- target_detector
- theora_image_transpo...
- turtlebot_actions
- ueye
- ueye_cam
- v4r_artoolkitplus
- v4r_ellipses
- video_stream_opencv
- vision_opencv
- viso2_ros
- visp_ros
- web_video_server
- zbar_ros
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Used by (156)
- agile_grasp
- anj_featurenav
- apriltags_ros
- ar_pose
- ar_sys
- ar_track_alvar
- aras_visual_servo_ca...
- aras_visual_servo_co...
- aruco_mapping
- aruco_ros
- asr_aruco_marker_rec...
- bag_tools
- basler_tof
- baxter_examples
- bwi_logging
- bwi_mapper
- bwi_planning_common
- bwi_rqt_plugins
- bwi_scavenger
- bwi_tools
- camera_calibration
- camera_pose_calibrat...
- checkerboard_detecto...
- cliff_detector
- cob_camera_sensors
- cob_image_flip
- cob_map_accessibilit...
- cob_object_detection...
- cob_openni2_tracker
- cob_people_detection...
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- costmap_converter
- criutils
- custom_landmark_2d
- cv_camera
- cv_detection
- depth_image_proc
- depthcloud_encoder
- dlut_viso2_ros
- evarobot_gazebo
- face_detector
- face_recognition
- feature_tracker
- fetch_depth_layer
- fiducial_detect
- find_object_2d
- flir_boson_usb
- gazebo_plugins
- generic_throttle
- grid_map_cv
- grid_map_demos
- grid_map_ros
- gscam
- head_pose_estimation...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_geotif...
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hector_costmap
- hector_rqt_plugins
- hrpsys
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_publisher
- image_rotate
- image_view
- imagesift
- imagezero_image_tran...
- imagezero_ros
- ipa_3d_fov_visualiza...
- joint_tracker
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_perception
- jsk_rqt_plugins
- jsk_rviz_plugins
- laser_cb_detector
- libhaloc
- look_to_point
- mapviz_plugins
- mavros_extras
- micros_dynamic_objec...
- micros_mars_task_all...
- mjpeg_server
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- movie_publisher
- mrpt_bridge
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- naoqi_driver
- nerian_sp1
- o3d3xx
- omip_common
- opencv_apps
- opencv_tests
- opencv_tut
- opt_camera
- orsens
- pano_core
- pano_py
- pano_ros
- pcdfilter_pa
- posedetection_msgs
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- rail_face_detector
- rail_object_detector...
- rail_recognition
- rb_tracker
- realsense2_camera
- realsense_camera
- remote_monitor
- resized_image_transp...
- rgbd_rosbag_tools
- rgbdslam
- robot_calibration
- robotican_common
- robotican_demos
- robotican_gui
- rocon_rtsp_camera_re...
- romeo_sensors_py
- rotors_gazebo_plugin...
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_textured_quads
- shape_reconstruction...
- shape_tracker
- sick_3vistort_driver...
- sick_visionary_t_dri...
- softkinetic_camera
- stereo_image_proc
- stereo_slam
- swri_geometry_util
- swri_image_util
- swri_opencv_util
- swri_transform_util
- tango_ros_native
- target_object_detect...
- tensor_field_nav_cor...
- theora_image_transpo...
- tum_ardrone
- turtlebot_actions
- turtlebot_arm_kinect...
- uavc_v4lctl
- ucl_drone
- uga_tum_ardrone
- video_stream_opencv
- vigir_footstep_plann...
- vigir_footstep_plann...
- viodom
- vision_opencv
- viso2_ros
- visp_ros
- web_video_server
- zbar_ros
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: indigo)
Used by (78)
- ar_track_alvar
- aruco_mapping
- aruco_ros
- basler_tof
- camera_calibration
- checkerboard_detecto...
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- cv_camera
- depth_image_proc
- depthcloud_encoder
- face_detector
- fetch_depth_layer
- find_object_2d
- gazebo_plugins
- grid_map_cv
- grid_map_demos
- grid_map_ros
- gscam
- head_pose_estimation...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_geotif...
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hector_costmap
- hector_rqt_plugins
- hrpsys
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_publisher
- image_rotate
- image_view
- image_view2
- imagesift
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_perception
- jsk_tools
- laser_cb_detector
- libhaloc
- mapviz_plugins
- mavros_extras
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- naoqi_driver
- nerian_sp1
- opencv_apps
- opencv_tests
- opt_camera
- pcdfilter_pa
- posedetection_msgs
- rail_recognition
- resized_image_transp...
- rgbd_rosbag_tools
- robot_calibration
- romeo_sensors_py
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- screen_grab
- stereo_image_proc
- stereo_slam
- swri_geometry_util
- swri_image_util
- swri_opencv_util
- swri_transform_util
- theora_image_transpo...
- tuw_artoolkitplus
- tuw_ellipses
- uavc_v4lctl
- video_stream_opencv
- vigir_footstep_plann...
- vigir_footstep_plann...
- vision_opencv
- visp_ros
- web_video_server
- zbar_ros
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: indigo)
Used by (147)
- apriltag_ros
- apriltags2_ros
- ar_track_alvar
- aruco
- aruco_detect
- aruco_ros
- asr_aruco_marker_rec...
- basler_tof
- camera_calibration
- carla_ros_bridge
- checkerboard_detecto...
- cis_camera
- cliff_detector
- cob_camera_sensors
- cob_image_flip
- cob_map_accessibilit...
- cob_object_detection...
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- costmap_converter
- criutils
- cv_camera
- cv_wrapper
- darknet_ros
- depth_image_proc
- depthcloud_encoder
- dnn_detect
- edrone_client
- ensenso
- ensenso_camera
- face_detector
- feature_tracker
- fiducial_detect
- fiducial_slam
- find_object_2d
- flir_boson_usb
- gazebo_plugins
- generic_throttle
- grid_map_cv
- grid_map_demos
- grid_map_ros
- gscam
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_geotif...
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hector_costmap
- hector_rqt_plugins
- hrpsys
- hugin_panorama
- image_cb_detector
- image_overlay_scale_...
- image_proc
- image_publisher
- image_rotate
- image_stream
- image_view
- image_view2
- imagesift
- imagezero_image_tran...
- imagezero_ros
- ipa_3d_fov_visualiza...
- ipcamera_driver
- joint_tracker
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_perception
- jsk_rqt_plugins
- jsk_rviz_plugins
- jsk_tools
- kinect2_bridge
- kinect2_calibration
- kinect2_registration...
- kinect2_viewer
- laser_cb_detector
- libcmt
- lidar_camera_calibra...
- mapviz
- mapviz_plugins
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- movidius_ncs_example...
- movidius_ncs_image
- movidius_ncs_stream
- movie_publisher
- mrpt_bridge
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- naoqi_driver
- nerian_sp1
- nerian_stereo
- omip_common
- opencv_apps
- opencv_tests
- opt_camera
- orb_slam2_ros
- pcdfilter_pa
- posedetection_msgs
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- rb_tracker
- realsense2_camera
- realsense_camera
- resized_image_transp...
- rgbd_rosbag_tools
- robot_calibration
- robotican_common
- romeo_sensors_py
- rqt_bag_exporter
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- sick_visionary_t_dri...
- smartek_camera
- softkinetic_camera
- spinnaker_sdk_camera...
- stereo_image_proc
- swri_geometry_util
- swri_image_util
- swri_opencv_util
- swri_transform_util
- tango_ros_native
- telegram_ros
- theora_image_transpo...
- turtlebot3_autorace_...
- turtlebot3_autorace_...
- turtlebot3_panorama
- turtlebot_actions
- turtlebot_arm_kinect...
- tuw_artoolkitplus
- tuw_aruco
- tuw_checkerboard
- tuw_ellipses
- tuw_geometry
- tuw_marker_pose_esti...
- tuw_multi_robot_rout...
- tuw_uvc
- tuw_voronoi_graph
- uavc_v4lctl
- usb_cam_controllers
- velo2cam_calibration...
- video_stream_opencv
- vigir_footstep_plann...
- vigir_footstep_plann...
- vision_opencv
- visp_ros
- web_video_server
- xbot_face
- xiaoqiang_depth_imag...
- zbar_ros
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic)
Used by (54)
- ar_track_alvar
- basler_tof
- camera_calibration
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- costmap_converter
- cv_camera
- depth_image_proc
- ensenso
- ensenso_camera
- face_detector
- find_object_2d
- flir_boson_usb
- gazebo_plugins
- grid_map_cv
- grid_map_demos
- grid_map_ros
- gscam
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_publisher
- image_rotate
- image_view
- imagezero_image_tran...
- imagezero_ros
- laser_cb_detector
- mapviz
- mapviz_plugins
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- mrpt_bridge
- multi_object_trackin...
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- nerian_sp1
- nerian_stereo
- opencv_apps
- opencv_tests
- opt_camera
- pcdfilter_pa
- posedetection_msgs
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- stereo_image_proc
- swri_geometry_util
- swri_image_util
- swri_opencv_util
- swri_transform_util
- theora_image_transpo...
- velo2cam_calibration...
- video_stream_opencv
- vision_opencv
- zbar_ros
Package Summary
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic)
Used by (117)
- apriltag_ros
- ar_track_alvar
- aruco_detect
- aruco_pose
- asr_aruco_marker_rec...
- audio_to_spectrogram...
- basler_tof
- camera_calibration
- checkerboard_detecto...
- cis_camera
- clover
- cob_camera_sensors
- cob_image_flip
- cob_map_accessibilit...
- cob_object_detection...
- cob_vision_utils
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- costmap_converter
- criutils
- cv_camera
- depth_image_proc
- depthai_bridge
- depthcloud_encoder
- drone_client
- edrone_client
- ensenso_camera
- face_detector
- fetch_depth_layer
- fiducial_slam
- find_object_2d
- flir_boson_usb
- gazebo_plugins
- generic_throttle
- graph_rviz_plugin
- grid_map_cv
- grid_map_demos
- grid_map_ros
- gscam
- hector_compressed_ma...
- hfl_driver
- hri
- hrpsys
- ifm3d
- ifm3d_ros_driver
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_publisher
- image_rotate
- image_view
- image_view2
- imagesift
- imagezero_image_tran...
- imagezero_ros
- ipa_3d_fov_visualiza...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_perception
- jsk_rqt_plugins
- jsk_rviz_plugins
- jsk_tools
- laser_cb_detector
- libcmt
- mapviz
- mapviz_plugins
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- movie_publisher
- mrpt_bridge
- multi_object_trackin...
- multires_image
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- naoqi_driver
- nerian_stereo
- opencv_apps
- opencv_tests
- opt_camera
- orb_slam2_ros
- ov_core
- ov_msckf
- pcdfilter_pa
- ping360_sonar
- points_preprocessor
- posedetection_msgs
- pr2_gazebo_plugins
- realsense2_camera
- resized_image_transp...
- robot_calibration
- rotors_gazebo_plugin...
- rqt_bag_exporter
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_animated_view_c...
- sciurus17_examples
- sciurus17_vision
- seek_thermal
- stereo_image_proc
- swri_geometry_util
- swri_image_util
- swri_opencv_util
- swri_transform_util
- theora_image_transpo...
- turtlebot3_autorace_...
- turtlebot3_autorace_...
- turtlebot3_panorama
- tuw_aruco
- tuw_checkerboard
- tuw_ellipses
- tuw_geometry
- tuw_marker_pose_esti...
- tuw_multi_robot_rout...
- tuw_voronoi_graph
- usb_cam_controllers
- video_stream_opencv
- vision_opencv
- web_video_server
Package Summary
- Build history (last 4 of 4 builds):
- #4 28-Mar-2020 18:34 24 / 24
- #3 10-Jul-2019 18:34 24 / 24
- #2 09-Jul-2019 17:34 24 / 24
- #1 06-Jun-2019 19:18 23 / 24
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: melodic)
Used by (75)
- audio_to_spectrogram...
- basler_tof
- camera_calibration
- checkerboard_detecto...
- cmvision
- cob_image_flip
- cob_map_accessibilit...
- cob_object_detection...
- cob_vision_utils
- compressed_depth_ima...
- compressed_image_tra...
- costmap_converter
- criutils
- cv_camera
- darknet_ros
- depth_image_proc
- depthai_bridge
- dnn_detect
- face_detector
- find_object_2d
- gazebo_plugins
- generic_throttle
- hfl_driver
- hri
- image_cb_detector
- image_proc
- image_publisher
- image_rotate
- image_view
- imagesift
- ipa_3d_fov_visualiza...
- ipcamera_driver
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_perception
- jsk_rqt_plugins
- jsk_rviz_plugins
- laser_cb_detector
- mapviz
- mapviz_plugins
- moveit_calibration_g...
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- multi_object_trackin...
- multires_image
- multisense_lib
- multisense_ros
- nerian_stereo
- opencv_apps
- opencv_tests
- ov_core
- ov_msckf
- pcdfilter_pa
- posedetection_msgs
- quori_face
- realsense2_camera
- resized_image_transp...
- robot_calibration
- rqt_image_view
- rtabmap
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_animated_view_c...
- sciurus17_examples
- sciurus17_vision
- stereo_image_proc
- swri_geometry_util
- swri_image_util
- swri_opencv_util
- swri_transform_util
- theora_image_transpo...
- tuw_geometry
- tuw_multi_robot_rout...
- tuw_voronoi_graph
- usb_cam_controllers
- video_stream_opencv
- vision_opencv
Package Summary
- Build history (last 5 of 8 builds):
- #8 28-Aug-2020 16:32 24 / 24
- #7 27-May-2020 16:32 24 / 24
- #6 19-May-2020 16:32 24 / 24
- #5 19-May-2020 02:32 24 / 24
- #4 30-Apr-2020 14:32 24 / 24
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Vincent Rabaud <vincent.rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Patrick Mihelich, James Bowman
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: noetic)
To learn how to interface OpenCV with ROS using CvBridge, please see the tutorials page.