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Package Summary
The pr2_mechanism stack contains the infrastructure to control the PR2 robot in a hard realtime control loop.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Austin Hendrix <ahendrix AT willowgarage DOT com>
- Author: Maintained by Wim Meeussen
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
The pr2_mechanism stack contains useful libraries if you want to write a realtime controller to interact with the PR2 (or similar) robot. These libraries are contained in the following ROS packages:
pr2_controller_interface: The C++ interface for a realtime controller
pr2_controller_manager: The infrastructure that allows you to run and manage multiple controllers in a realtime loop
pr2_hardware_interface: The C++ interface for the PR2 hardware, containing actuators, pressure sensors, accelerometers, digital out and projector interface.
pr2_mechanism_model: The model of an effort controlled robot, based on the urdf robot description format.
pr2_mechanism_msgs: Messages used to communicate with the realtime control loop, and messages that contain the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators.
realtime_tools: A tool to publish to a ROS topic from realtime.
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