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- electric: Documentation generated on March 01, 2013 at 04:10 PM
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Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Repository: navigation
- Source: hg
Used by (24)
- articulate_cart
- cart_pushing_executi...
- cob_collision_veloci...
- cob_gazebo
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_script_server
- drive_base_action
- explore
- fall_school_executiv...
- find_base_pose
- flirtlib_ros
- ias_drawer_executive...
- katana_openrave_gras...
- katana_tabletop_mani...
- move_base
- nao_remote
- nav_pcontroller
- navigation_task
- pr2_interactive_mani...
- pr2_move_base
- pr2_plugs_actions
- pr2_wrappers
- semanticmodel
- soccer_application
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: navigation-1.6)
Used by (75)
- articulate_cart
- assisted_teleop
- autonomous_mapping
- book_stacking_msgs
- cart_pushing_executi...
- cob_collision_veloci...
- cob_gazebo
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_script_server
- collvoid_local_plann...
- dabo_coop
- darwin_icra12
- darwin_simple_nav
- darwin_simple_nav_cl...
- drive_base_action
- elevator_move_base_p...
- explore
- explore_hrl
- fall_school_executiv...
- fctuc_open_day
- find_base_pose
- flirtlib_ros
- hai_sandbox
- hrl_clickable_behavi...
- hrl_pr2_lib
- ias_drawer_executive...
- icra_navigation_gaze...
- iri_checkpoint_nav
- iri_door_detector
- iri_force_navigation...
- iri_force_robot_comp...
- iri_laser_navigation...
- iri_no_collision
- iri_oa_client
- iri_people_follower
- katana_openrave_gras...
- katana_tabletop_mani...
- move_base
- move_base_rfn
- move_base_simple
- nao_remote
- nav_pcontroller
- navigation_task
- omnix
- pacman_controller
- patrolling_sim
- planner_navigation_a...
- pointcloud_registrat...
- pose_base_controller...
- pp_explorer
- pr2_approach_table
- pr2_doors_actions
- pr2_doors_gazebo_dem...
- pr2_interactive_mani...
- pr2_laser_follow_beh...
- pr2_move_base
- pr2_navigation_proce...
- pr2_plugs_actions
- pr2_wrappers
- pr2eus
- random_walk
- rcommander_pr2_gui
- rfid_demos
- rfid_explore_room
- room_explore
- semanticmodel
- simple_navigation_go...
- soccer_application
- tibi_coop
- tibi_dabo_guide_nav
- tibi_dabo_hide_and_s...
- tibi_dabo_hideandsee...
- tibi_dabo_smachs
- tidyup_actions
- topological_roadmap
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: navigation-1.8)
Used by (32)
- assisted_teleop
- autonomous_mapping
- cob_collision_veloci...
- cob_gazebo
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_script_server
- drive_base_action
- explore
- fall_school_executiv...
- find_base_pose
- gui_command
- ias_drawer_executive...
- move_base
- move_base_straight
- nao_path_follower
- nao_remote
- nav_pcontroller
- navigation_task
- pointcloud_registrat...
- pose_base_controller...
- pr2_interactive_mani...
- pr2_move_base
- pr2_navigation_proce...
- pr2_plugs_actions
- pr2_wrappers
- pr2eus
- rocon_navi_relay
- segbot_controller
- segbot_logical_trans...
- simple_navigation_go...
- soccer_application
- tcp_command
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Used by (22)
- cob_collision_veloci...
- cob_gazebo
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_script_server
- elevator
- frontier_exploration...
- jsk_pr2_startup
- move_base
- move_base_straight
- nao_path_follower
- naoeus
- navigation
- pr2_move_base
- pr2_plugs_actions
- pr2eus
- rosjava_messages
- rosruby_messages
- rtabmap_ros
- segbot_logical_trans...
- segbot_navigation
- wheeled_robin_guided...
- yocs_waypoints_navi
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mferguson AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein,
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
Used by (40)
- asr_rviz_pose_manage...
- assisted_teleop
- bwi_scavenger
- carl_estop
- carl_interactive_man...
- carl_navigation
- carl_safety
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_script_server
- drc_gui
- fetch_navigation
- frontier_exploration...
- interactive_world_to...
- jsk_pr2_startup
- locomove_base
- mbf_costmap_nav
- mir_driver
- move_base
- move_base_straight
- move_base_to_manip
- nao_path_follower
- nav_pcontroller
- navigation
- neo_watchdogs
- patrolling_sim
- planner_cspace
- pose_base_controller...
- pr2_move_base
- pr2eus
- pure_pursuit_control...
- robotican_demos
- robotican_gui
- rtabmap_ros
- segbot_logical_trans...
- segbot_navigation
- simple_navigation_go...
- turtlebot_exploratio...
- waypoint_touring
- yocs_navigator
- yocs_waypoints_navi
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mfergs7 AT gmail DOT com>, Aaron Hoy <ahoy AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein,
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mferguson AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein,
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Used by (39)
- asr_rviz_pose_manage...
- assisted_teleop
- caster_app
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_lookat_action
- cob_script_server
- explore_lite
- follow_waypoints
- frontier_exploration...
- gps_goal
- locomove_base
- lost_comms_recovery
- mapviz_plugins
- mbf_costmap_nav
- message_relay
- mir_driver
- move_base
- move_base_straight
- move_base_to_manip
- move_basic
- nav_pcontroller
- navigation
- noid_robot_interface...
- noid_ros_controller
- pipeline_planner
- planner_cspace
- pose_base_controller...
- pr2_move_base
- pr2eus
- py_trees_ros
- rsm_additions
- rtabmap_ros
- seed_r7_navigation
- seed_r7_ros_controll...
- simple_navigation_go...
- turtlebot3_autorace_...
- waypoint_touring
- yocs_navigator
- yocs_waypoints_navi
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mferguson AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein,
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mferguson AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein, <contradict AT gmail DOT com>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Used by (32)
- asr_rviz_pose_manage...
- assisted_teleop
- caster_app
- cob_linear_nav
- cob_lookat_action
- cob_script_server
- explore_lite
- fetch_navigation
- locomove_base
- mapviz_plugins
- mbf_costmap_nav
- message_relay
- mir_driver
- move_base
- move_base_sequence
- move_basic
- navigation
- pipeline_planner
- planner_cspace
- pose_base_controller...
- pr2_move_base
- pr2eus
- py_trees_ros
- rsm_additions
- rtabmap_ros
- scenario_test_tools
- seed_r7_navigation
- seed_r7_ros_controll...
- simple_navigation_go...
- turtlebot3_autorace_...
- yocs_navigator
- yocs_waypoints_navi
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mferguson AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein,
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Package Summary
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: David V. Lu!! <davidvlu AT gmail DOT com>, Michael Ferguson <mferguson AT fetchrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein, <contradict AT gmail DOT com>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: ros1)
This package contains the messages used to communicate with the move_base node. These messages are auto-generated from the MoveBase.action action specification. For more information on actions see actionlib documentation, for more information on the move_base node see move_base documentation.
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped target_pose --- --- geometry_msgs/PoseStamped base_position
The target_pose is the goal that the navigation stack attempts to achieve. The base_position given as feedback is the current position of the base in the world as reported by tf. For the move_base node, the target_pose is projected into the XY plane with the Z axis pointing up when attempting to achieve a goal.
ROS Message / Action Types
ROS Message Types | ROS Action Types |
RecoveryStatus |
MoveBase |