Show EOL distros:
- diamondback: Only showing information from the released package extracted on Unknown. No API documentation available. Please see this page for information on how to submit your repository to our index.
- electric: Documentation generated on March 05, 2013 at 11:58 AM
- fuerte: Documentation generated on August 22, 2013 at 11:29 AM
- groovy: Documentation generated on October 06, 2014 at 12:24 AM
- hydro: Documentation generated on August 27, 2015 at 01:14 PM (doc job).
- indigo: Documentation generated on June 07, 2019 at 02:35 AM (doc job).
- jade: Documentation generated on August 11, 2017 at 10:12 AM (doc job).
- kinetic: Documentation generated on June 10, 2019 at 08:22 PM (doc job).
- lunar: Documentation generated on June 08, 2019 at 05:54 AM (doc job).
- melodic: Documentation generated on March 01, 2022 at 06:21 AM (doc job).
- noetic: Documentation generated on March 02, 2022 at 08:17 AM (doc job).
Used by (18)
- arm_kinematics_const...
- articulation_percept...
- camera_pose_calibrat...
- cob_manipulator
- cob_mmcontroller
- cob_simpletrajectori...
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- manipulation_transfo...
- move_arm
- nxt_controllers
- pose_graph
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_pick_and_place_d...
- pr2_plugs_actions
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robot_state_publishe...
- simple_robot_control...
- teleop_controllers
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: hg
Used by (27)
- arm_kinematics_const...
- camera_pose_calibrat...
- cob_3d_mapping_commo...
- cv_markers
- hector_mapping
- hrl_kinematics
- ias_arm_kinematics
- katana_tabletop_mani...
- kdl_conversions
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- kurtana_tabletop_man...
- manipulation_transfo...
- move_arm
- move_arm_warehouse
- nxt_controllers
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_manipulation_con...
- pr2_pick_and_place_d...
- pr2_plugs_actions
- reem_kinematics_cons...
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robot_state_chain_pu...
- robot_state_publishe...
- rtt_kdl_conversions
- simple_robot_control...
- sr_kinematics
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: electric-devel)
Used by (54)
- arm_kinematics
- arm_kinematics_const...
- articulation_percept...
- camera_pose_calibrat...
- cr_calibration
- cv_markers
- eband_local_planner
- ethzasl_icp_mapper
- ethzasl_icp_mapper_e...
- ethzasl_point_cloud_...
- hector_mapping
- hrl_ellipsoidal_cont...
- hrl_kinematics
- hrl_phri_2011
- hrl_pr2_ar_servo
- ias_arm_kinematics
- icr
- interactive_tf
- katana_tabletop_mani...
- kdl_arm_kinematics
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- kurtana_tabletop_man...
- libpointmatcher_ros
- lwr_fri
- lwr_kinematics
- manipulation_transfo...
- modular_cloud_matche...
- modular_cloud_matche...
- motion_adaption
- move_arm
- move_arm_warehouse
- ndt_feature_reg
- ndt_registration
- oro_joint_state_publ...
- point_cloud_vtk_tool...
- pose_ekf_slam
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_led_kinect_calib...
- pr2_manipulation_con...
- pr2_pick_and_place_d...
- pr2_plugs_actions
- r2_controllers_gazeb...
- reem_head_action
- reem_kinematics_cons...
- reem_teleop_coordina...
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robot_state_chain_pu...
- robot_state_publishe...
- sr_kinematics
- tabletop_pushing
- teleop_controllers
- tree_kinematics
- visual_servo
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: fuerte_devel)
Used by (52)
- arm_kinematics_const...
- camera_pose_calibrat...
- cr_calibration
- eband_local_planner
- eigen_utils
- ethzasl_icp_mapper
- ethzasl_icp_mapper_e...
- ethzasl_point_cloud_...
- force_torque_sensor_...
- geometry
- gravity_compensation...
- hector_mapping
- hrl_kinematics
- ias_arm_kinematics
- image_rotate
- jsk_interactive_mark...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_tilt_laser
- katana_ikfast_kinema...
- kdl_arm_kinematics
- kinect_depth_calibra...
- libpointmatcher_ros
- lwr_kinematics
- modular_cloud_matche...
- modular_cloud_matche...
- motion_adaption
- move_arm
- move_arm_warehouse
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- moveit_ros_planning_...
- ndt_registration
- oro_joint_state_publ...
- perception_tools
- point_cloud_vtk_tool...
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_led_kinect_calib...
- pr2_manipulation_con...
- pr2_moveit_plugins
- pr2_pick_and_place_d...
- pr2_plugs_actions
- projector_interface
- r2_controllers_gazeb...
- reem_teleop_coordina...
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robot_state_chain_pu...
- robot_state_publishe...
- rtt_kdl_conversions
- simple_moveit_plugin...
- sr_kinematics
- tree_kinematics
- underwater_vehicle_d...
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT willowgarage DOT com>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Used by (57)
- abb_irb2400_moveit_p...
- abb_moveit_plugins
- baxter_ikfast_left_a...
- baxter_ikfast_right_...
- cob_3d_fov_segmentat...
- cob_3d_mapping_slam
- cob_3d_registration
- cob_3d_transform_nod...
- cob_keyframe_detecto...
- cob_kinematics
- cob_table_object_clu...
- cr_calibration
- depthcloud_encoder
- eband_local_planner
- eigen_utils
- ethzasl_icp_mapper
- ethzasl_icp_mapper_e...
- ethzasl_point_cloud_...
- fanuc_lrmate200ic_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200id_mo...
- fanuc_m10ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m16ib_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m20ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m430ia_moveit_...
- force_torque_sensor_...
- geometry
- gravity_compensation...
- handle_detector
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_mapping
- hrl_kinematics
- image_rotate
- jsk_footstep_control...
- jsk_interactive_mark...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_tilt_laser
- katana_moveit_ikfast...
- libpointmatcher_ros
- moveit_core
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- moveit_ros_planning_...
- moveit_simple_grasps...
- moveit_visual_tools
- ndt_registration
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_moveit_plugins
- pr2_plugs_actions
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robot_state_publishe...
- rtabmap_ros
- sr_kinematics
- staubli_rx160_moveit...
- underwater_vehicle_d...
- ur_kinematics
- virtual_force_publis...
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
Used by (75)
- abb_irb2400_moveit_p...
- anj_featurenav
- aubo_kinematics
- baxter_ikfast_left_a...
- baxter_ikfast_right_...
- camera_pose_calibrat...
- cob_kinematics
- cob_lookat_action
- cob_obstacle_distanc...
- cob_obstacle_distanc...
- cob_twist_controller...
- constrained_ik
- depthcloud_encoder
- eband_local_planner
- ekf_localization
- fanuc_lrmate200i_mov...
- fanuc_lrmate200ib_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200ic_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200id_mo...
- fanuc_m10ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m16ib_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m20ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m430ia_moveit_...
- fanuc_m6ib_moveit_pl...
- fanuc_r1000ia_moveit...
- fetch_ikfast_plugin
- force_torque_sensor_...
- generic_control_tool...
- geometry
- gravity_compensation...
- handle_detector
- head_action
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_mapping
- hector_stair_detecti...
- joint_tracker
- jsk_footstep_control...
- jsk_interactive_mark...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_recognition_util...
- katana_moveit_ikfast...
- micros_dynamic_objec...
- moveit_plugin_armadi...
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- moveit_ros_planning_...
- moveit_simple_grasps...
- moveit_visual_tools
- nextage_ik_plugin
- point_cloud_reducer
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_moveit_plugins
- ric_moveit_ik_plugin...
- robodyn_controllers
- robodyn_mechanisms
- robodyn_utilities
- robot_controllers
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robot_state_publishe...
- robotican_common
- robotican_manipulato...
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_textured_quads
- rviz_visual_tools
- staubli_rx160_moveit...
- stereo_slam
- surface_perception
- teb_local_planner
- trac_ik_kinematics_p...
- trac_ik_python
- transform_graph
- turtlebot_arm_ikfast...
- ur_kinematics
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Used by (36)
- aubo_kinematics
- depthcloud_encoder
- fanuc_lrmate200ib_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200ic_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200id_mo...
- fanuc_m10ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m16ib_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m20ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m430ia_moveit_...
- fanuc_m6ib_moveit_pl...
- fanuc_r1000ia_moveit...
- fetch_ikfast_plugin
- force_torque_sensor_...
- geometry
- gravity_compensation...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_mapping
- hector_stair_detecti...
- jsk_footstep_control...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_recognition_util...
- jsk_tilt_laser
- katana_moveit_ikfast...
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- moveit_ros_planning_...
- moveit_visual_tools
- robot_controllers
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_visual_tools
- stereo_slam
- teb_local_planner
- tf_keyboard_cal
- trac_ik_kinematics_p...
- virtual_force_publis...
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Used by (77)
- abb_irb2400_moveit_p...
- choreo_core
- choreo_geometry_conv...
- choreo_kr150_2_works...
- choreo_kr5_arc_works...
- choreo_output_proces...
- choreo_task_sequence...
- choreo_task_sequence...
- choreo_visual_tools
- cob_lookat_action
- cob_obstacle_distanc...
- cob_obstacle_distanc...
- cob_twist_controller...
- depthcloud_encoder
- eband_local_planner
- ensenso
- exotica_core
- fanuc_lrmate200i_mov...
- fanuc_lrmate200ib_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200ic_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200id_mo...
- fanuc_m10ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m16ib_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m20ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m430ia_moveit_...
- fanuc_m6ib_moveit_pl...
- fanuc_m710ic_additiv...
- fanuc_post_processor...
- fanuc_r1000ia_moveit...
- force_torque_sensor_...
- framefab_irb6600_wor...
- generic_control_tool...
- geometry
- gravity_compensation...
- handle_detector
- hector_barrel_detect...
- hector_mapping
- hector_stair_detecti...
- joint_tracker
- jsk_footstep_control...
- jsk_interactive_mark...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_recognition_util...
- jsk_tilt_laser
- katana_moveit_ikfast...
- khi_duaro_ikfast_plu...
- khi_rs_ikfast_plugin...
- kr6_r900_workspace_i...
- motoman_mh5_ikfast_m...
- moveit_kinematics
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- moveit_ros_planning
- moveit_ros_planning_...
- moveit_ros_robot_int...
- moveit_visual_tools
- nextage_ik_plugin
- pilz_robot_programmi...
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_moveit_plugins
- ram_display
- ram_path_planning
- ram_post_processor
- ram_qt_guis
- robot_controllers
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- robotican_common
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_visual_tools
- teb_local_planner
- trac_ik_kinematics_p...
- trac_ik_python
- turtlebot_arm_ikfast...
- ur_kinematics
- velo2cam_calibration...
- virtual_force_publis...
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Used by (19)
- ensenso
- generic_control_tool...
- geometry
- katana_moveit_ikfast...
- moveit_kinematics
- moveit_ros_perceptio...
- moveit_ros_planning
- moveit_ros_planning_...
- moveit_ros_robot_int...
- moveit_visual_tools
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_visual_tools
- teb_local_planner
- trac_ik_kinematics_p...
- trac_ik_python
- velo2cam_calibration...
Package Summary
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Used by (46)
- cis_camera
- cob_hardware_emulati...
- cob_lookat_action
- cob_obstacle_distanc...
- cob_obstacle_distanc...
- cob_twist_controller...
- depthcloud_encoder
- exotica_core
- fanuc_lrmate200i_mov...
- fanuc_lrmate200ib_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200ic_mo...
- fanuc_lrmate200id_mo...
- fanuc_m10ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m16ib_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m20ia_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m20ib_moveit_p...
- fanuc_m430ia_moveit_...
- fanuc_m6ib_moveit_pl...
- fanuc_post_processor...
- fanuc_r1000ia_moveit...
- franka_example_contr...
- generic_control_tool...
- geometry
- hand_kinematics
- hector_mapping
- jsk_footstep_control...
- jsk_interactive_mark...
- jsk_pcl_ros
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- jsk_recognition_util...
- jsk_tilt_laser
- khi_duaro_ikfast_plu...
- khi_rs_ikfast_plugin...
- nextage_ik_plugin
- pilz_robot_programmi...
- pr2_arm_kinematics
- pr2_head_action
- pr2_moveit_plugins
- robot_controllers
- robot_mechanism_cont...
- rtabmap_ros
- rviz_visual_tools
- staubli_rx160_moveit...
- trac_ik_kinematics_p...
- trac_ik_python
- virtual_force_publis...
Package Summary
- Build history (last 5 of 7 builds):
- #7 23-Sep-2020 02:38 92 / 92
- #6 13-Aug-2020 22:38 92 / 92
- #5 10-Mar-2020 21:38 92 / 92
- #4 10-Mar-2020 01:38 92 / 92
- #3 15-Oct-2019 00:38 92 / 92
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: melodic-devel)
Package Summary
- Build history (last 5 of 10 builds):
- #10 13-Aug-2020 23:06 92 / 92
- #9 09-Jun-2020 02:06 92 / 92
- #8 02-Jun-2020 00:09 92 / 92
- #7 16-May-2020 01:06 92 / 92
- #6 16-May-2020 00:41 92 / 92
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: Tully Foote
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: noetic-devel)
The best place to find out how to use this package is the Code API documentation (top right of this page).
We plan to replace this package with a more advanced template-based data conversion package, as part of the redesign of the tf API. See the geometry stack roadmap for more details.